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California Practitioners Advisory Group

Information about the State Board of Education’s California Practitioners Advisory Group, which provides input regarding local, state, and federal accountability and also serves as the Title I Committee of Practitioners.

Background | Purpose | Advisory Group Composition | Terms of Office | Members | Contact Information
Meetings | Bylaws | CPAG Mailing List | Related Content | Recruitment Information


With the enactment of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013, California changed the finance and accountability systems for its K–12 public education system. The State Board of Education (SBE) was delegated authority to implement key provisions of the Local Control Funding Formula, including the Local Control and Accountability Plan template (Education Code [EC] Section 52064), spending regulations (EC 42238.07), and the Local Control Funding Formula evaluation rubrics (EC 52064.5).

Additionally, Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (Public Law 114–95 Section 1603, 20 United States Code Section 6573), requires each State educational agency that receives Title I funds to create a State committee of practitioners to advise the State in carrying out its responsibilities under Title I.

These changes to the local, state, and federal education policy landscape present a unique opportunity for California to develop a single coherent accountability system.


The California Practitioners Advisory Group (CPAG) will provide input to the SBE on ongoing efforts to establish a single coherent local, state, and federal accountability system. The advisory committee will also serve as the state’s committee of practitioners under federal Title I requirements.

The purpose of this advisory committee is to provide input to the SBE on practical implications of decisions before the SBE, which may include providing input on the design of the LCFF evaluation rubrics and other decisions related to implementing the LCFF.

The committee will also review any State rules and regulations relating to Title I of the ESEA, as amended by the ESSA, in order to advise the State in carrying out its Title I responsibilities.

Advisory Group Composition

The recent enactment of the ESEA altered the membership requirements for the State Title I committee of practitioners. The SBE’s Screening Committee’s recommendations for appointments to this committee, along with adoption of a governing policy that is consistent with the new federal requirements, was presented and approved at the SBE’s March 2016 meeting:

All applicants are required to provide evidence of demonstrated experience with California’s K–12 public education system, including familiarity with the LCFF, and familiarity with federal program requirements, including Title I, as amended by the ESSA.

The majority of members must be representatives from local educational agencies. The membership includes representatives who currently meet one or more of the following categories:

  • Superintendents or other Administrators
  • Teachers from traditional public schools and charter schools and career and technical educators
  • Principals and other school leaders
  • Parents of student(s) currently enrolled in the K–12 public education system
  • Members of local school boards
  • Representatives of private school children
  • Specialized instructional support personnel and paraprofessionals
  • Representatives of authorized public chartering agencies
  • Charter school leaders
  • Education researchers

Members are appointed to ensure appropriate representation among the membership categories.

Terms of Office

Members will serve for a term of up to three years. Terms of office will be staggered to avoid the need to replace the majority of members at the same time.


Contact Information

California Practitioners Advisory Group
California Department of Education
Student Achievement and Support Division
1430 N Street, Suite 6208
Sacramento, CA 95814


Regular meetings of the CPAG will be conducted annually or as needed. All proceedings of the CPAG are governed by the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Government Code sections 11120–11132) and are conducted openly so that the public may be fully informed.


CPAG Mailing List

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Recruitment Information

  • Subscribe to the CPAG Mailing List to receive information immediately once it becomes available.
Questions: California Practitioners Advisory Group | | 916-445-4905 
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 2, 2024
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