Civics Education Initiative Offerings
Civic Learning Award for California Public Schools
Recognizing school achievements that advance access to civics, service-learning, and an understanding of government is the foundation of this awards program. Co-sponsored by SSPI Tony Thurmond and California Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero, the program has honored more than 300 schools throughout the state since 2014. Applications are posted annually in February. By supporting the California Courts’ Power of Democracy Civic Learning Initiative, we recognize and value the important role of public schools in preparing students for participation in our democracy.
A list of honorees is available from the Power of Democracy Civic Learning
Initiative Civic Learning Award
web page.
Judges in the Classroom
Classroom visits from judges help develop a better understanding of the judicial branch for students in grades K–12. The goal is to reach every student with at least one visit by a judge by the time they complete elementary school. California judicial officers completed approximately 300 visits to 200 schools during the 2023–24 school year.
State Seal of Civic Engagement
On September 10, 2020, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted criteria and guidance to award a State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) to California students who demonstrate excellence in civics education and participation, and an understanding of the United States Constitution, the California Constitution, and the democratic system of government.
Civics Education Initiative Background
In 2013 the California Task Force on Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (K–12) Civic Learning. The task force sought to define the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that students need to be informed and involved citizens and community members, as well as made recommendations for how we can achieve these outcomes for all students in California.
The result was Revitalizing K–12 Civic Learning in California: A Blueprint for Action (logon required)
. The Blueprint outlines a plan of action for students, teachers, administrators, business and community leaders, courts, local government, and elected officials to take immediate action to improve civic learning in all California schools and communities. This plan incorporates four key areas for California school communities and K–12 students: Curriculum, Instructional Practices, and Resources; Professional Learning; Community and Business Partnerships; and Student Assessment and School Accountability.
California Task Force on K–12 Civic Learning Roster
A list of the co-chairs, members, advisory members, and staff for the California Task Force on K–12 Civic Learning.
Civic Learning California Summits
In 2013 and 2017, the task force hosted the two civic learning summits
to examine successes and barriers to increasing civic literacy in California. The 2013 summit featured special guest former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and launched the Chief Justice's "Your Constitution: The Power of Democracy" campaign. A 2017 follow-up summit featuring former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy provided updates on the campaign's progress and established a path for moving forward.
Power of Democracy
Under the leadership of California State Supreme Court Chief Patricia Guerrero, the Power of Democracy Civic Learning Initiative encourages community connections that bring greater civic learning opportunities to K–12 classrooms in California. The Power of Democracy timeline
highlights key milestones in CDE support of this initiative, since the convening of the K–12 Task Force on Civic Learning in 2013.