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Adult Education Expenditure Reporting Survey

Data collection of adult education funds spent in 2012-13.

This information is for reference only. The survey is no longer available.


Assembly Bill (AB) 86 (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2013) charged the State Department of Education (CDE) and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) with jointly implementing a planning process to integrate and improve adult education.  The legislation appropriated $25 million to distribute to 70 regional consortia, composed of at least one community college and one K–12 district, as well as other partners, to assess their regions and develop shared plans. The following five areas are to be addressed in the plans:

  • Elementary and secondary skills, including classes required for a high school diploma;
  • Classes and courses for immigrants in English as a second language, citizenship, and workforce preparation;
  • Education programs for adults with disabilities;
  • Short-term career technical education programs with high employment potential;
  • Programs for apprentices.

AB 104 (Chapter 13, Statutes of 2015) includes provisions requiring the CCCCO and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the advice of the executive director of the State Board of Education, to certify the amount spent by school districts and county offices of education (COEs) on adult education in the 2012–13 fiscal year. This information will be used to calculate the 2015–16 maintenance of effort funding in the Adult Education Block Grant Program.


Click the link below to access the survey. Select your local educational agency (LEA) name from the drop down menu and enter the PIN that was e-mailed to the contact listed in the California School Directory.

Provide an appropriate response to questions 1 through 5.  Please note that all questions in this survey request fiscal information for state funds only, and do not include expenditures supported by federal funds, fees, or any other non-state funds.

If you are providing information for question 1.c., some example methodologies are as follows:

  1. Prorated based on the number of classes.
  2. Prorated based on the number of students enrolled.
  3. Prorated based on the number of teachers in each of the five program areas.

It is recommended that the survey and accompanying certification be printed, signed, and retained for the LEA's records. Also, the LEA should retain the documentation used to support the data submitted on this report, as this data may be subject to audit if it is used for apportionment purposes.



AB 86 Adult Education Frequently Asked Questions

Questions:   Fiscal Oversight & Support |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 01, 2023
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