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Budget Status

Status of budget approvals for school districts and county offices of education.

Budget Approval Process

Local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to adopt a budget by July 1 of each year. County superintendents are required to examine the adopted budget for each school district in the county and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) is required to examine the adopted budget for each county office of education. Budgets are examined for compliance with state-adopted criteria and standards, to identify technical corrections needed, and to determine whether the budget will allow the LEA to meet budget year and multiyear financial commitments. Budgets must be approved or disapproved by specified dates.

By November 8, if a district budget is disapproved, the county superintendent must either call for a budget review committee (BRC) or agree with the district, with the approval of the SSPI, to waive the BRC. If the BRC and SSPI disapprove the budget or the BRC is waived, the county superintendent assumes additional authority and responsibility as specified in Education Code Section 42127.3, including the responsibility to develop a budget plan that will guide the district through the ensuing year.

By November 8, if a county office of education budget is disapproved, the SSPI must call for a BRC. If the BRC and SSPI disapprove the county office budget, the SSPI assumes additional authority and responsibility as specified in Education Code Section 1624, including the responsibility to develop a budget plan that will guide the county office of education through the ensuing year.

Budget Approval

List of Disapproved LEA Budgets


Status of School District Budget Approvals (DOC)

Request for Waiver of Budget Review Committee

Questions:   Fiscal Oversight & Support |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 31, 2023
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