Regional System of District and School Support
NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.
Funding Description
The Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS) was established to meet state and federal requirements for a statewide system of school support. The system consists of regional consortia, which may include county offices of education (COEs) and school districts, aligned to the 11 regions established by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA). Each region designates one county to serve as the lead local educational agency (LEA). The regional consortia work collaboratively with identified Program Improvement (PI) districts and schools, as well as schools that are participating in the state’s accountability system.Eligibility
Eligible Applicants | Local educational agencies |
Required Eligibility Criteria | Each region must select one lead LEA to apply for funding. |
Other Eligibility Considerations | Not applicable |
Eligible Grade Level(s) | K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
Eligible Age Level(s) | Not applicable |
Legal Authority | Section 1117(a), No Child Left Behind & Chapter 1020, Statutes of 2002 |
Source / Type | Federal / Grant |
State Fiscal Year | 2004-05 |
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes | 3020 / 8290 |
Total Available | $7,500,000 |
Recipient Amount | See Allocation Formula. |
Match Requirement | No |
Allocation Formula | The funding amount includes $150,000 base per region, plus $2,000 per low-performing school in each region, plus $1.48 per low-performing student in each of the low-performing schools. The formula is in keeping with Chapter 1020, Statutes of 2002 (AB 312) and Title I, No Child Left Behind, in allocating funds based on the number of low-performing schools and their enrollment. |
Important Dates
Date Application Available | April 12, 2004 |
Due Date | May 28, 2004 |
Expected Notification Date | June 15, 2004 |
Additional Information
Application | Unavailable |
Background | Statewide System of School Support (S4) [] |
Fiscal | Unavailable |
Other | Unavailable |
Program | Doug McDougall, 916-445-1256, |
Fiscal | Lynn Nelson, 916-319-0254, |
Division | School Improvement Division, 916-319-0833 (phone), 916-319-0123 (fax) |
Last Modified:
October 25, 2006
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