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Request for Applications

California Geographic Lead Agency Program

Note: The due date for the request for applications has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.

Assembly Bill (AB) 1808 appropriated $4 million annually to establish the California Geographic Lead Agency System to build county office of education capacity to ensure that counties are equipped to build the capacity of their local educational agencies to support the continuous improvement of student performance within the state priorities as defined in California Education Code Sections 52060 and 52066 and address the gaps in achievement between student groups as defined in Section 52052.

Program Questions: Anissa Sonnenburg, email:, phone: 916-319-0609

Downloading Questions: California System of Support, email:,

Document Description
Request for Application (DOCX)
Overview and instructions for the Request for Applications Geographic Lead Agency Grant for the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Solano.
Application Checklist (DOCX) Application Checklist for the Geographic Lead Agency Grant Request for Applications for the Counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Solano.

More about California Geographic Lead Agency Program

Last Reviewed: Monday, April 15, 2024
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