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Request for Proposals

California Community Schools Partnership Program: Formative Evaluations

Note: The due date for the request for proposals has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.

The California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP): Formative Evaluations is intended to evaluate and examine the impact of the CCSPP in achieving the goals described in legislation. The purpose of this contract is to conduct a multi-year independent study to examine the impact of the CCSPP. Additionally, funds are also to be used to develop annual reports, with the California Department of Education, for the state legislature and public. A community school is a "whole-child" school improvement strategy where the local educational agency and school(s) work closely with teachers, students, and families. Community schools partner with community agencies and local government to align community resources to improve student outcomes.

Program Questions: Lisa Clark-Devine, email:, phone: 916-322-1762

Downloading Questions: Nicole Marcheschi, email:

Document Description
Addendum 1 (PDF) Addendum 1 for the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP): Formative Evaluations Request for Proposals (RFP)
Addendum 2 Addendum 2 for the CCSPP: Formative Evaluations RFP
Questions and Answers Questions and Answers
Cover Letter Letter to Bidders
Request for Proposals (DOCX) RFP for the CCSPP: Formative Evaluations
Attachment 1 - Intent to Submit Proposal (PDF) Attachment 1 is the Intent to Submit a Proposal Form.
Attachment 2 - Checklist (DOCX) Attachment 2 provides a checklist to track completed proposal items.
Attachment 3 - Bidder Certification (PDF) Attachment 3 reviews Bidder Acknowledgment and provides a Bidder Certification sheet.
Attachment 4 - Sample Technical Proposal Staffing Labor Hours Worksheet (DOCX) Attachment 4 provides sample documents for staffing labor hours.
Attachment 5 - Federal Certifications (PDF) Attachment 5 reviews certifications regarding lobbying, debarment, suspension, and other responsibility matters; and drug-free workplace requirements.
Attachment 6 - Darfur Contracting Act Certification (PDF)  Attachment 6 reviews Darfur Contractor Certification options and provides a supplemental form.
Attachment 6A - Darfur Contracting Act Certification Supplemental (PDF)  Attachment 6A reviews Darfur Contractor Certification options and provides a supplemental form.
Attachment 7 - California Civil Service Rights Laws Certification (PDF) Attachment 7 reviews California civil rights laws and employer discriminatory policies.
Attachment 8 - Bidder References (PDF) Attachment 8 provides a form to list bidder references.
Attachment 9 - California Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program Requirements (DOCX) Attachment 9 contains information about the California DVBE program requirements, bidder responsibilities, and the DVBE Bid Incentive.
Attachment 10 - Small Business and Non-Small Business Subcontractor Preferences (PDF) Attachment 10 reviews the California Code of Regulations Section 1896.8 for small business and non-small business.
Attachment 11 - California State Travel Program (DOCX) Attachment 11 provides details on the California State Travel Program that includes reimbursement information and travel rates.
Attachment 12 - Conflict of Interest Confidentiality Statement (PDF) Attachment 12 provides a Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement form.
Attachment 13 - Computer Security Policy (PDF) Attachment 13 reviews the California Department of Education (CDE) Computer Security Policy.
Attachment 14 - Technical Evaluation Criteria (DOCX) Attachment 14 reviews the contents of the Attachment Checklist for the presence of all correctly completed required forms/attachments.

More about California Community Schools Partnership Program: Formative Evaluations

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
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