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Expanded Learning

California's Expanded Learning programs are an integral part of young people's education, engaging them in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program–Assembly Bill 130
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant–Assembly Bill 86
COVID-19 Relief and School Reopening Grant

Funding Opportunities for Expanded Learning
Access different funding opportunities available for schools in California and funding results from previous years

Quality Standards and Continuous Quality Improvement
Information and guidance on the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California and implementing a quality, data-driven improvement process for expanded programs based on the Quality Standards.

Statewide System of Support
The System of Support for Expanded Learning programs in California consist of California Department of Education staff, designated County Leads/Staff and contracted Technical Assistance Providers.

Laws and Policy
Federal and state legislation, laws, policies and guidance for After School Education and Safety and 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Reporting and Forms
Expanded learning programs can access budget information, payment and reporting schedules, forms, and other reporting requirements. 

Stakeholder Engagement and Advisory Committee
The Expanded Learning Division values the input of stakeholders and utilizes stakeholder engagement as a way to identify the needs in the field and help to implement the work of the Strategic Plan.

Expanded learning recognition for awardees from the annual Lights on Celebration and the Distinguished After School Health.

Resources for the After School Education and Safety program and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

Two expanded learning students sitting at a desk.

Students Enjoying an Expanded Learning Program


Expanding Find us on Facebook. Follow us on twitter @CaELPrograms.


Questions:   Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923
Last Reviewed: Monday, February 10, 2025