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Private School Affidavit Information

Information on filing and maintaining a Private School Affidavit (PSA).

Who Should File a Private School Affidavit?

All persons, firms, associations, partnerships, or corporations offering or conducting private school instruction at the elementary or high school level shall annually file an Affidavit or statement with the California Department of Education (CDE) (per California Education Code (EC) Section 33190External link opens in new window or tab.).

This includes (but is not limited to):

Note: private schools only offering services to students in grade levels below kindergarten, such as preschool or transitional kindergarten, shall not file an affidavit.

Filing the Affidavit

Private School Affidavit
Online system used by anyone wishing to file a PSA for the current school year. Note: If you’re unable to file the PSA online, please contact our office for additional filing options.

Private School Affidavit Instructions
Instructions for completing the PSA.

Affidavit Filing Period

The statutory filing period is October 1 through 15; however, the filing system is open throughout the school year beginning August 1 and ending June 30 to accommodate new schools and home schools. Schools established during the month of July, shall wait to file an affidavit until the PSA filing period begins in August.

Statement in Lieu of the Affidavit

The online PSA Filing System is the established mechanism for filing a PSA, however, EC Section 33190 does offer an option for filing a statement in lieu of the PSA. Such statements shall include all elements as noted in (EC) Section 33190External link opens in new window or tab. and shall adhere to the same filing period as the PSA, which is noted above. This option is typically used by individuals who do not have access to file online. 

Retrieving a Filed Affidavit

Retrieve/Update Current Year Affidavit
Access your current Affidavit to view, print and/or make needed changes.

Updating Your Affidavit

Information reported on the Affidavit shall reflect information as of the time you filed the Affidavit. If your information has changed, you may, but are not required to notify the CDE of these changes. The CDE does not recommend that you provide updates regarding the statistical information on the Affidavit, as that should reflect a snapshot as of the time you filed the Affidavit. It is not necessary to provide an update every time student enrollment changes in your school. However, in an effort to keep the California School Directory up-to-date, the CDE does recommend schools provide updates regarding changes to location and contact information.

How Affidavit Information is Used?

The data submitted on the Private School Affidavit (PSA) is used by the CDE to create a directory of private schools. It is also used by a number of state and federal agencies that provide programs and services to children and families in California and for other reporting needs. More information about the state and federal agencies that use the private school data may be obtained for the CDE Private School Resources web page.

A non-profit private school that files the PSA and indicates a total enrollment of six or more students will be reported to the public school district in which it is located as a private school that is eligible for certain services and resources under Title IX, Part E Uniform ProvisionsExternal link opens in new window or tab. (DOC) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act via the Consolidated Application Reporting System.


Private School Affidavit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently asked questions regarding the filing and use of the Private School Affidavit.


Filing the PSA shall not be interpreted to mean, and it shall be unlawful for any school to expressly or impliedly represent by any means whatsoever, that the State of California, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Board of Education, the CDE, or any division or bureau of the Department, or any accrediting agency has made any evaluation, recognition, approval, or endorsement of the school or course unless this is an actual fact (EC Section 33190External link opens in new window or tab.). Filing the PSA does not mean that the State of California or any accrediting agency has granted a license or authorization to operate a school.

Questions:   Private School Data | | 916-319-0317
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
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