Ad Hoc Committee Minutes July 31, 2014

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
Ad Hoc Committee Common Core State Standards Teleconference Meeting
(Approved on September 18, 2014)
Report of Action
Thursday, July 31, 2014
10:05 to 10:40 a.m.
Ad Hoc Committee on Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Members Participating:
- Angel Barrett at Los Angeles Unified School District Office
- Kristyn Bennett at Santa Paula Elementary School District Office
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley
- Jo Ann Isken at Para Los Niños, Los Angeles
- Socorro Shiels at Santa Rosa City Schools District Office
- Lauryn Wild at San Bernardino City Unified School District Office
Additional Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Member Participating:
- Julie Spykerman at Anaheim Union High School District
California Department of Education (CDE) Staff Participating:
- Tom Adams
- Cliff Rudnick
- Kristen Cruz Allen
- David Almquist
- Cynthia Gunderson
- Jim Long
- Tracie Yee
- Barbara Murchison
Public Members Participating at Various Locations:
- Leslie Schwarze at CDE
- Luz Elena Rosales at San Bernardino City USD.
Ad Hoc Committee on CCSS
- Welcome and Introductions
Committee Chair Barrett called the Ad Hoc Committee on CCSS meeting to order. All participating Ad Hoc Committee members and IQC member introduced themselves, verified the posting of the public meeting notice, and introduced public members. The CDE staff members were also identified.
- Update on the Implementation of the CCSS
Barbara Murchison, Administrator, Title 2 Leadership Office (formerly with the Common Core System Implementation Office), CDE, updated the committee on the significant milestones of the CCSS systems implementation. The CDE in collaboration with staff from the California County Offices of Education, the California Subject Matter Projects, the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd, and other implementation partners propose to facilitate a statewide rollout of the new English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework. The rollout will be conducted over the course of a year and will be comprised of two state launch events – one in the North and another in the South – followed by a series of coherent monthly online, regional, and local professional learning events and the facilitation of an online community of practice. Member of the IQC will be involved with the rollouts.
- Public Comment: None
Committee Chair Barrett adjourned the meeting at 10:40 a.m.