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Science SMC Meeting Minutes August 27-28, 2015

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MEETING MINUTES: August 27-28, 2015

Science Subject Matter Committee Meeting

(Approved on September 24, 2015)

Report of Action
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Present:

  • Rob Foster, SMC Chair
  • Dean Reese, SMC Vice Chair
  • Jo Ann Isken, IQC Chair
  • Lori Freiermuth
  • Louis “Bill” Honig
  • Brian Muller
  • Julie Spykerman

Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Members not on the Science SMC:

  • Jose Flores
  • Carlos Ulloa
  • Lauryn Wild

Executive Director:

  • Thomas Adams

State Board of Education (SBE) Liaison Present:

  • Ilene Straus
  • Trish Williams
  1. Science Subject Matter Committee
    1. Call to Order
      SMC Chair Rob Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

    2. Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
      1. Review Draft Science Framework (Information/Action)SMC Chair Foster acknowledged the work of the Science Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (Science CFCC); the leadership of Co-Chairs Helen Quinn and Robert Sherriff; the work of primary authors of the draft framework, Maria Simani, Kirk Brown, and Matthew d’Alessio; the expertise from the WestEd writers Art Sussman and Kathy DiRanna; and the excellent support from the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff. He also expressed appreciation for the involvement of IQC members and the SBE liaisons, Ilene Straus and Trish Williams.

        At the request of SMC Chair Foster, Thomas Adams provided an overview of the next steps in the framework development process, SMC Chair Foster then pointed out documents the members would need for the discussion of the draft chapters, including the suggested edits compiled by staff from the writers and IQC members.

        SMC Chair Foster asked members of the Science SMC to facilitate discussion of the draft chapters and suggested edits. Draft chapters were discussed in the following order: Introduction, Guiding Principles, Overview of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS), Instructional Strategies for CA NGSS Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, Assessment, Implementing High Quality Science Instruction.

        The process used to discuss each chapter was to come to a general consensus that the chapter was ready to be sent out for the first 60-day public review and comment period and then specific issues and edits on the chapter were discussed.

        There was considerable discussion on the suggested edits to all chapters and consensus reached on a number of changes. The remaining chapters were scheduled for discussion for the following day.

    3. Public Comment on the Draft Science Framework

      SMC Chair Foster adjourned the meeting for the day.
Report of Action
Friday, August 28, 2015

Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Present:

  • Rob Foster, SMC Chair
  • Dean Reese, SMC Vice Chair
  • Jo Ann Isken, IQC Chair
  • Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
  • Lori Freiermuth
  • Louis “Bill” Honig
  • Brian Muller
  • Julie Spykerman
Instructional Quality Commission Members not on the Science SMC:
  • Jose Flores
  • Carlos Ulloa
  • Lauryn Wild
Executive Director:
  • Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
  • Ilene Straus
  • Trish Williams
  1. Science Subject Matter Committee
    1. Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
      1. Continue Review of Draft Science Framework (Information/Action) SMC Chair Foster reconvened the Science SMC meeting at 9 a.m. The SMC continued its review and discussion on the draft Science Framework chapters. SMC Chair Foster asked members of the Science SMC to facilitate discussion of the draft chapters and suggested edits. Draft chapters were discussed in the following order: Access and Equity, Criteria, Appendices/Glossary of Acronyms, Transitional Kindergarten, the CA NGSS for Kindergarten through Grade Two, the CA NGSS for Grade Three through Five, Grades Six through Eight—Discipline-Specific Model, Grades Six through Eight—Preferred Integrated model, High School Four Course Model High School Three Course Model.
      2. Draft Online Survey Questions for the First Review and Comment Period (Information)
        The draft online survey questionnaire was distributed to the SMC for information. The SMC will approve the survey at its September 24–25. 2015, meeting.

    2. Public Comment on the Draft Science Framework

    3. Other Matters/Public Comment
      SMC Chair Foster adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Last Reviewed: Monday, June 26, 2023
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