Final Meeting Minutes: May 8, 2015

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationFINAL MEETING MINUTES: May 8, 2015
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee Meeting
(Approved on September 24, 2015)
Report of Action
Friday, May 8, 2015
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Present:
- Jo Ann Isken, IQC Chair
- Louis “Bill” Honig, SMC Co-Chair
- Nancy McTygue, SMC Co-Chair
- Risha Krishna, Vice-Chair
- Jose Flores
- Marlene Galvan
- Carlos Ulloa
- Lauryn Wild
Executive Director:
- Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaison Present:
- Niki Sandoval
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
- Welcome and Introductions
SMC Co-Chair Honig called the History–Social Science SMC meeting to order. He provided a brief overview of the meeting agenda. Ken McDonald of the CDE staff reviewed the items that were sent to Commissioners in the agenda packet.
- History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information/Action)
Executive Director Adams reviewed the process that would be used to evaluate the public comment for the course description chapters. He indicated that CDE would be contracting with subject matter experts (i.e., individuals with a Ph.D. degree) as has been done with previous frameworks. He noted that moving forward is predicated on the IQC receiving funds to support the process.
SMC Co-Chair McTygue introduced each of the four chapters that were part of the agenda for the meeting. The Commissioners discussed edits to the chapters and took public comment for each one. Commenters are listed below in the order that they presented.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Uberoi Foundation
- Arvin Kumar, CAPEEM
Assessment of Proficiency in History–Social Science
- Avi Black
Universal Access to the History–Social Science Curriculum
- Fred Jones, California Council for the Social Studies
- Harjit Kaur, Sikh Coalition
- Arvin Kumar, CAPEEM
- Khandero Khan, Hindu Education Foundation
Instructional Strategies and Professional Learning
The SMC members agreed that this chapter would be split in two in the next draft, with the inclusion of “21st century skills” in the Instructional Strategies portion.
- Avi Black
- Harjit Kaur, Sikh Coalition
- Onkar Bindra
- David Cook, California Teachers Association
No action was taken on the proposed chapters. The CDE staff recorded Commissioner suggestions and will make edits to the chapters in coordination with the Co-Chairs of the SMC. After discussing the four chapters the SMC took a brief lunch break.
- Approve October Meeting Date (Action)
Commission Chair Isken moved to approve October 9, 2015, for a meeting of the History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee. Commissioner Flores seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Other Matters/Public Comment
After completing its actions Co-Chair McTygue called for public comment. The following individuals provided comment:- Arvind Kumar, CAPEEM
- Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Uberoi Foundation
- Poorvi Pandya,
- Saujanya Mulukutla,
- Sailaja Mulukutla,
- Harjit Kaur, Sikh Coalition
- Kanwal Shergill, Sikh Coalition
- Onkar Bindra
- Divyang Patel, Hindu American Foundation
- Rajeev Singh, Hindu American Foundation
- Samir Kalra, Hindu American Foundation
- Gurmeet Mohem, Sikh Coaltion
- Rick Oculto, Our Family Coalition
- Saheba (no last name provided), Hindu Education Foundation
- Arkanksha (no last name provided)
- Tanvee Joshin, Hindu Education Foundation
- Shruti Ranade, Hindu Education Foundation
- Lamitra Dhir
- Marut Yelagalawadi
- Prasann Ranade, Hindu Education Foundation
- Sandeep Dedge, Hindu Education Foundation
- Khandero Kand, Hindu Education Foundation
- Janaka Paran
- Jaideep Singh
- Heera Kulkarni, Hindu Education Foundation
- Jo Michael, Equality California
- Amar Shergill, Sacramento Valley Charter School
- Ram Nishra