SMC Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2014

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of Education
FINAL MEETING MINUTES: December 18, 2014
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee Meeting
(Approved on February 6, 2015)
Report of Action
Thursday, December 18, 2014
History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee Members
- Jo Ann Isken, Commission Chair
- Louis “Bill” Honig, Co-Chair
- Nancy McTygue, Co-Chair
- Jose Dorado
- Marlene Galvan
- Carla Herrera
- Carlos Ulloa
- Lauryn Wild
Instructional Quality Commissioner Members not on the Subject Matter Committee
- Angel Barrett
- Kristyn Bennett
- Edward D’Souza
Executive Director
- Thomas Adams
State Board of Education Liaisons
- Patricia Rucker
- Niki Sandoval
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
- Welcome and Introductions
SMC Co-Chair Honig called the History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee (SMC) meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
- History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information/Action)
- Discussion of Field Review Results
- Revise and Edit Draft History–Social Science Framework
SMC Co-Chair McTygue provided an overview of the process of updating the History–Social Science Framework to date. Ken McDonald of the CFIR staff presented a summary of the agenda item packet and the various items sent to Commissioners.
Co-Chairs Honig and McTygue then stated that due to the extremely large volume of comments received during the field review survey, both through the survey and through e-mail and physical mail, the SMC would not be taking action on any specific edits to the framework at that meeting. Rather, the SMC would accept public comment and then would consider edits to the framework draft at a later meeting. In the interim, the SMC would forward all comments received to the teams working on the revisions to the course descriptions.
The Commissioners and State Board liaisons briefly discussed the document and the process and then accepted public comment.
- Public Comment
The following individuals provided public comment: - Tushar Pandya
- Kashvi Pandya
- Vyamika Pandya
- Deeksha Mamidi
- John Lee, UC Santa Barbara
- Bhavani Shetti
- Ricardo Gaudino, Golden State History
- Vrinda Suresh
- Sivakolundu Suresh
- Rupesh Barman
- Arti Kapoor
- Vishnukumar Thumpti
- Aarjav Joshi
- Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Uberoi Foundation
- Shiva Bajpai, Uberoi Foundation
- Sadhaka Jayanatha, Uberoi Foundation
- Brian Ehlers, CalRecycle
- Gerald Lieberman, State Environmental Education Roundtable
- Will Parrish, Ten Strands
- Freddy Quintana, Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez’s office
- Arvind Kumar, CAPEEM
- Bartosz Lyszkiewicz, Polish-American Congress
- Siamek Khojasteh, History Advocates Group
- Kaveh Niazi, History Advocates Group
- Nalini Rao, Soka University of America
- Don Romesburg, Committee on LGBT History
- Judy Appel, Our Family Coalition
- Jo Michael, Equality California
- Gordon Black, Polish-American Congress
- Samir Kalra, Hindu American Foundation
- Onkar Bindra
- Mohana Priya
- Rick Oculto, Our Family Coalition
- Manbeena Kaur, Sikh Coalition
- Harjit Kaur, Sikh Coalition
- Venu Acharya, Hindu Education Foundation
- Teri Burns, California School Boards Association
- Fred Jones, California Council for the Social Studies
The Co-Chairs McTygue and Honig stated that they would be considering all the proposed changes. Co-Chair McTygue acknowledged that there were two types of comments: those from different interest groups calling for more topics and those from educators calling for fewer topics. Co-Chair McTygue stated that she will be consulting with scholars and teachers who are part of the California History-Social Science Project and who can review whether suggested comments would support an inquiry approach, reflect current and confirmed research, and are aligned to the standards. Tom Adams, Executive Director, stated that a new timeline for framework development would be brought to the Commission in February but substantive discussion of proposed revisions to the draft history-social science framework would not be discussed until the May 20-21 meeting.
SMC Co-Chair McTygue adjourned the meeting at noon.
- Welcome and Introductions
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 21, 2023
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