IQC Final Meeting Minutes September 22, 2016

Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationReport of Action
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:
- Lauryn Wild, Chair
- Louis “Bill” Honig, Vice Chair
- Jocelyn Broemmelsiek
- Soomin Chao
- Lizette Diaz
- Jose Flores
- Robert Foster
- Lori Freiermuth
- Marlene Galvan
- Jose Iniguez
- Risha Krishna
- Brian Muller
- Melanie Murphy-Corwin
- Nicole Naditz
- Dean Reese
- Jennifer Woo
Commissioners Absent:
- Senator Carol Liu
- Assemblymember Kevin McCarty
Executive Director:
- Stephanie Gregson
State Board of Education Liaisons Present:
- Patricia Rucker
- Trish Williams in San Diego
- Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)
- Call to Order
Commission Chair Wild called the meeting to order at approximately 10 a.m.
- Salute to the Flag
Commissioner Reese led the salute to the flag.
- Overview of Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda. Commission Chair Wild reported that on September 13, 2016, the Governor appointed Jose Iniguez to the Commission to replace Carlos Ulloa and back in June, the Senate Rules Committee appointed Melanie Murphy-Corwin to the Commission to replace Carla Herrera. She welcomed both members and had them say a few words about themselves.
- Approval of Minutes for the Following Meetings (Action):
- May 19–20, 2016, Commission Meeting
- June 20, 2016, Commission Teleconference Meeting
ACTION: Commissioner Freiermuth moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Krishna seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioner Broemmelsiek was not present for the vote and Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- Report of the Chair
Commission Chair Wild reported on the following:- In June she participated in the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework planning meeting in Sacramento. The group discussed moving forward to continue supporting schools and districts in the implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework as well as the Mathematics, Science, and History–Social Science Frameworks.
- At the July State Board of Education (SBE) meeting, she along with Commissioner Honig presented the History–Social Science Framework to the SBE. She reported the SBE appreciated the very thoughtful work of the IQC. The SBE adopted the History–Social Science Framework. The vote was monumental in many ways with the diversity in California.
- Executive Director’s Report
Commission Executive Director Stephanie Gregson reported on the following:- The California Department of Education (CDE), SBE, and California County Superintendents Education Association (CCSESA) have established collaboration committees (ELA/ELD, Mathematics, Science, and History–Social Science) to provide focused professional development for the counties and teachers to create a culture of professional learning.
- In August, the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) met in San Diego to begin the process of writing for the Science Framework rollouts.
- The CDE, IQC, and SBE are commencing the process for developing new California computer science content standards. There will be three focus group meetings: November 9 at the CDE, November 16 at San Francisco Unified School District, and November 30 at San Diego County Office of Education.
- She along with SBE Vice President Ilene Straus presented the background and new features of the History–Social Science Framework at the 12th Annual Constitution Day Conference: Resources for Teachers, K–12 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.
- Report from the State Board of Education (SBE)
SBE Liaison Patricia Rucker welcomed the new IQC members and reported on the activities of the SBE.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Call to Order
- Executive Committee
Commission Chair Wild called the Executive Committee meeting to order.
- Committee Assignments (Action)
The Executive Committee assigned the two newly appointed Commissioners to the following committees:
Commissioner Jose Iniguez – ELA/ELD, Mathematics, and Health
Commissioner Melanie Murphy-Corwin – Mathematics, History–Social Science, and Visual and Performing Arts
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Committee Assignments (Action)
- English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Galvan called the ELA/ELD Subject Matter Committee (SMC) meeting to order.
- ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information)
- Update on the Development of Resources and Future Plans (Information)
Cynthia Gunderson and Alejandro Hernandez, CDE staff, provided an update on the ELA/ELD Framework development of resources and future plans.
- Update on the Development of Resources and Future Plans (Information)
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information)
- Health Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Woo called the Health SMC meeting to order.
- 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework (Information)
- Update on the State Board of Education Action
Health SMC Chair Woo provided an update on the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria (CFCC) online application and asked members of the Health SMC to plan to assist in the recruitment of CFCC members and plant to attend a CFCC meeting. - Focus Group Meetings
Health SMC Chair Woo asked for volunteers to attend the focus group meetings. The following commissioners offered to attend if their schedules permitted:- November 1, Tulare COE: Commissioner Galvan
- November 7, Sacramento COE: Commissioner Woo
- November 15, Alameda COE: Commissioners Honig and Krishna
- November 29, Long Beach USD: Commissioners Muller and Chao
- Update on the State Board of Education Action
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- 2019 Revision of the Health Education Framework (Information)
- History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Honig called the History–Social Science SMC meeting to order.
- Update on the History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools (Information)
SMC Chair Honig provided a report on the action by the SBE to adopt the History–Social Science Framework at its meeting on July 14, 2016.
Ken McDonald and Kristen Cruz Allen of the CDE staff provided updates on the editing of the framework and the rollout activities planned for it, respectively. Commissioners briefly discussed the rollout and the future of state assessment in history–social science.
- Update on the 2017 History–Social Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Information)
Ken McDonald of the CDE staff provided an update on the recruitment process for reviewers, which concludes October 19. Commissioners were asked whether they would be available to serve as panel facilitators and trainers for the adoption next year. Action items on the recommendation of reviewers and trainers and the approval of standards and criteria maps will come to the Commission in November.
- Other Matters/Public Comment: None
- Update on the History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools (Information)
- Science Subject Matter Committee
SMC Chair Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order.
- Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
- Update on the Draft Science Framework
Bryan Boyd, Lead Consultant, provided an update on the progress of the Science Framework and work of the IQC over the past 38 months. - Discussion on the Second 60-Day Field Review Results
Attachment A: Master List of Comments for Discussion and Recommendation was used to guide the discussion. There were 866 recorded public comments plus 12 items on an addendum from the California State Teachers Association (CSTA). The recommended edits were addressed by chapter, first highlighting the discussion items and clarification of any edits labeled writer’s discretion. A consensus was reached to recommend or not recommend at the end of each chapter discussion. Matthew d’Alessio (as the primary writer) highlighted the request for changes and edits that were not major edits to the document. The Science SMC reviewed, discussed, and came to consensus on all recommended edits and changes for the following Science Framework chapters and documents:
- III. State Board of Education Policy on the Teaching of Natural Sciences.
- 1.Overview of the California Next Generation Science Standards
- 2.Transitional Kindergarten
- 3.Kindergarten Through Grade Two
- 4.Grades Three Through Five
- 6.Grades Nine Through Twelve
- 7.Assessment of Student Learning
- 8.Access and Equity
- 9.Instructional Strategies for the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century
- 10.Implementing High-Quality Science Instruction: Professional Learning, Leadership, and Supports
- 11.Instructional Resources to Support the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
- Appendix 1: Recommended Literature for the Science Classroom
- Appendix 2: K-12 Connections to Environmental Principles and Concepts
- Appendix 3: Progression of the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts in Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.
- Appendix 4: HS Three-Year Model: Every Science, Every Year
- Appendix 5: Computer Science in Science
- Glossary Part 1 and 2
- Resources
- Next Steps for the Draft Science Framework
The Science SMC will take action to forward to the full IQC the edits and changes recommended on the following documents: The State Board of Education Policy on the Teaching of Natural Sciences, Chapters 1–4 and 6–11, Appendices 1–5, Glossary, and Resources. However, due to public comment received from the second 60-day review, the IQC requested that the primary writer make major revisions to Chapter 5, with a focus on Chapter 5B, Grades Six Through Eight Preferred Integrated Model.ACTION: Commissioner Freiermuth moved to recommend with the approved edits the Science Framework without Chapter 5 to the full IQC. Commissioner Chao seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (9-0).
At a teleconference meeting on October 14, 2016, the IQC will review the writer’s edits and public comments and make a final recommendation for Chapter 5 to the SBE for consideration. The SBE will take action on the draft CA Science Framework (June version) and all IQC recommended edits and changes at their November 2–3, 2016 meeting.
- Update on the Draft Science Framework
- Other Matters/Public Comments: None
- Science Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)
- Full Commission Reconvenes
- Report/Action from Subcommittee
Science Subject Matter Committee
ACTION: Commission Chair Wild moved to recommend with the edits approved by the Science SMC, the Science Framework without Chapter 5. Commissioner Muller seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. There was a roll call vote. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioner Galvan was not present for the vote and Commissioners Liu and McCarty were absent from the meeting.
- Individual Commissioner Reports
Commissioner Flores commended the IQC for its work on the Science Framework. He was on a panel that presented at the White House and shared the IQC’s work on the Science Framework. He received a lot of positive feedback. Commissioner Flores received an award at the White House for his work on the environment and civic education.
- Other Matters/Public Comments: None
- Report/Action from Subcommittee
Commission Chair Wild adjourned the day’s session at approximately 4:30 p.m.