October 6, 2014 IQC Meeting Minutes

State of California
Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor
Instructional Quality Commission
An advisory body to the California State Board of EducationFINAL MEETING MINUTES: October 6, 2014
English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee Teleconference Meeting
(Approved on November 20, 2014)
Report of Action
Monday, October 6, 2014
4 to 5 p.m.
English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Members Participating:
- Marlene Galvan, SMC Co-Chair at Dinuba Unified School District Office
- Lauryn Wild, SMC Co-Chair at San Bernardino City Unified School District Office
- Angel Barrett at Educational Service Center North, Van Nuys
- Kristyn Bennett at Ventura Unified School District Office
- Jo Ann Isken, IQC Chair, at UCLA Center X
Additional Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Member Participating:
- Bill Honig in Mill Valley
California Department of Education (CDE) Staff Participating:
- Tom Adams
- Cliff Rudnick
- Jim Long
- David Almquist
- Cynthia Gunderson
English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee
- Welcome and Introductions
SMC Co-Chair Galvan called the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) SMC meeting to order. All participating ELA/ELD SMC members and IQC member introduced themselves, verified the posting of the public meeting notice, and introduced public members. The CDE staff members were also identified.
- Review and Discuss the Draft FAQs for the 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption that have Accumulated to Date (Information)
David Almquist walked the commissioners through the 100 draft Frequently Asked Questions. All questions were reviewed and approved in sections with the following questions receiving questions or comments that resulted in either deletion or revision: 26, 28, 36, 37, 38, 48, 50, 51 (deleted), 59, 63, and 81.
- Public Comment: None
Last Reviewed: Monday, July 31, 2023
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