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Instructions for Completing Form CFIR-00C

Instructions for Completing Form CFIR (Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources)-00C

When completing form CFIR-00C (Instructional Materials Submitted for Out-of-Cycle Social Content Review), please complete the attached in accordance with the following instructions:

  • Publisher/Producer
    Enter the publisher/producer name.
  • Subject
    Enter the proper subject area from the following list: Reading-Language Arts, Spelling, Visual and Performing Arts, History-Social Science, ESL (English As A Second Language/ELD (English Language Development), Foreign Language, Science, Mathematics, Health.  Use separate sheets for different subject areas and different programs.
  • Official Address
    Enter the company’s “home office” address and phone number.  The Department will use this address as the mailing address unless a different address is shown under the contact person.
  • Name and Address of Contact Person
    Enter the name of the person within the company to receive all correspondence. Please put only one name in this space and enter the address only if different from the “official address.”
  • Series, Title, Author, Description
    Enter the series, title, and author(s).  List each and all components you are submitting for social content review. Components not listed will not be reviewed.
    Please note
    1. Be sure to type within the column margins.
    2. If listing a series or program, start with the title in all capital letters and next the author; then list the individual titles or parts of the program in upper and lower case letters.  After listing an individual title or subtitle, state whether it is a student edition, teacher edition, etc. Keep all parts of a program together.
    3. Always complete a new form when materials are from different programs.
    4. Do not list more than one program or parts of a different program on a single page.
    5. Be sure the physical nature of an item is clear (e.g. filmstrip, cassette, manipulative).  Keep description as brief as possible.
  • Type
    Use this column to alert the Department to special situations, such as alternate format and component.  If two or more submitted items are identical in content but differ in physical format (e.g. hardcover/softcover, record/cassette, workbook/duplicating materials), please note these alternate formats with an “A” in this column.  Components which are listed in more than one packaging combination (e.g. duplicating masters which are sold by themselves or as part of the teacher’s resource binder) should be labeled in this column with a “C”. NOTE:  Only one format needs to be sampled for review.
  • Grade Level
    Indicate the grade level(s) for which the item is intended (grades kindergarten through eight only).
  • Copyright
    Enter the last two digits of the copyright year for each item.
  • Publisher’s ISBN
    Each item should have an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) entered in this column or an identifier number of no more than 13 letters or numbers.

Note: Instructional materials must have a teacher edition or teacher instructions accompanying each submission. Literature books will not be reviewed as individual submissions. Manipulatives that contain no print or pictures are also not reviewed for social content.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
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