California Dyslexia Initiative Grant Announcement
The Sacramento County Office of Education has been awarded a $4 million grant to administer the California Dyslexia Initiative (CDI).
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California Dyslexia Initiative
Section 119 of the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (Assembly Bill 77) for the 2019–20 California State Budget
established the CDI.
The bill appropriated $4 million ($2 million from state funds and $2 million from federal funds) which will be allocated to a designated county office of education (COE) for the CDI.
The goals of the CDI include building capacity in the statewide system of support for school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to provide early intervention services and supports for students with specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia; identifying effective models for identification and treatment of specific learning disabilities; developing and delivering professional development on evidence-based instruction and strategies informed by research; developing partnerships between school districts, COEs, and charter schools; and using the statewide system of support structure to disseminate professional learning, resources, and information developed or identified as a result of the CDI.