2022 ISABS Annual Report to the Legislature - Legislative Report
Executive Summary of the 2022 Annual Report to the Legislature of the Developing, Aligning, and Improving Systems of Academic and Behavioral Supports (ISABS) Grant.The Developing, Aligning, and Improving Systems of Academic and Behavioral Supports Grant 2022 Annual Report to the Legislature
Prepared by: Educator Excellence and Equity Division, Equity and Access Branch
California Department of Education
Executive Summary
This report summarizes the key content of two annual reports submitted by the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) in 2022. The reports share the title Developing, Aligning, and Improving Systems of Academic and Behavioral Supports, with one subtitled Enhancing the Social–Emotional Well Being of Youth (Social–Emotional Well-Being) and the second subtitled Fostering a Positive School Climate (School Climate). The Social–Emotional Well-Being report details the impact of project activity on the implementation of the California Multi-Tiered System of Support (CA MTSS) framework in Year 1 (2021–22). The School Climate report focuses on the implementation and impact of the CA MTSS Improving School Conditions and Climate pilot in the 2021–22 fiscal year. This pilot project follows 14 schools from seven districts across California as they implement the CA MTSS framework at the school level, with a focus on school climate, positive behavioral supports, and social–emotional learning. It describes the use of funds in the 2021–22 fiscal year.
This report covers the following information, as summarized from the original reports:
- A summary of activities conducted and resources developed.
- The number of local educational agencies (LEAs), educators, and pupils served.
- A description of effective, evidence-based strategies identified to help LEAs statewide to create a positive school climate.
- A summary of any data available on outcomes resulting from the activities conducted, including data reported by LEAs.
- Recommendations for improving state-level policy or activity in support of improving school climate.
For full details and comprehensive descriptions, please see the original reports as submitted to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the OCDE California SUMS Initiative Annual Reports web page
If you have any questions regarding this report or would like to request a hard copy, please contact Susie Watt, Education Programs Consultant, Educator Excellence and Equity Division, at 916-323-5252 or at swatt@cde.ca.gov.