CWPJAC Minutes January 31, 2020
The California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) plans to address workforce pathways to address California’s regional economies.Report of Action
Friday, January 31, 2020
Members of California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee
Members Present
State Board of Education
- Feliza Ortiz-Licon
- Patricia Rucker
- Ting Sun, Chair
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Board of Governors
- Jolena Grande, Vice Chair
- Alma Salazar
Members Absent
- David Rattray, Ex-Officio Member, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
- Bill Rawlings, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Board of Governors
- Kristin McGuire, Ex-Officio Member, Young Invincibles
Principal Staff
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
- Sheneui Weber, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD)
- Sandra Sanchez, Assistant Vice Chancellor, WEDD
- Jeff Mrizek, Dean, WEDD
California Department of Education
- Khieem Jackson, Deputy Superintendent, Equity and Access Branch (EAB)
- Pradeep Kotamraju, Division Director, Career and College Transition Division (CCTD)
- Stephanie Papas, Education Administrator, EAB
- Michelle McIntosh, Education Administrator, CCTD
- Lisa Reimers, Education Programs Consultant, CCTD
- Rachel Moran, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, EAB
State Board of Education
- Patricia de Cos, Deputy Executive Director
- Pamela Castleman, Education Programs Consultant
Please note that the complete proceedings of the January 31, 2020 California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) meeting, including closed-captioning, is available online, California Workforce Pathways.
California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee Meeting
Call to Order
Chair Grande called the meeting to order at approximately 10:35 A.M.
Change of the Chair
Chair Grande announced that Ting Sun will be the Chair and Jolena Grande will be Vice Chair for the CWPJAC in 2020.
Approval of the Preliminary Report of Action
- November 25, 2019
- Vice Chair Grande moved to approve the November 25, 2019 meeting’s Preliminary Report of Action.
- Member Rucker seconded the motion.
- Yes Votes: Vice Chair Grande, Member Rucker, Member Salazar, and Chair Sun
- No votes: None
- Member Absent: Member Rawlings
- Abstentions: Member Ortiz-Licon
- Recusals: None
Meeting Overview
Review of Meeting Documents
Agenda Items
Item 01
Subject: California Career Technical Education Initiatives: An update on the Career Technical Education Initiatives Incentive Grant and data survey, the Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Strong Workforce Program, and common planning meetings between the California Department of Education and the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office.
Type of Action: Information
Recommendation: The California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) staff recommends that the CWPJAC provide feedback and guidance for both the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) and Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Strong Workforce Program (K–12 SWP) updated metrics, as provided in Attachment 1.
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members are concerned about the differences between using three versus five categories for awardees.
- Committee members would like information on how many CTEIG applicants applied for the K–12 SWP, how many CTEIG applicants have applied in the past, how many CTEIG applicants are new, and the types of programs that are proposed to be funded at the March State Board of Education (SBE) meeting.
- Committee members would like to know who the students are in the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) of the districts that are funded, to ensure that the funding is going to the districts where the targeted students are.
Public Comment:
- None
Item 02
Subject: Presentation on the California Community Colleges Career and Technical Education Employment Outcomes Survey.
Type of Action: Information
Recommendation: The CCCCO staff recommends that the CWPJAC receive information on the CTEOS presentation by KC Greaney, of the RP Group, and Amil Gehrke, of the Santa Rosa Junior College.
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members wondered about connections to other agencies/programs like the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act who use the same data.
- Committee members wondered about alignment to industry and business needs and to see data by special populations.
- Committee members were wondering who is not being captured in the results.
- Committee members suggested to consider including questions about the students’ high school experience.
Public Comment:
- Hayden Springer, Foundation for California Community Colleges, mentioned that the QCW does not include an occupation code and wonders what the alternative might be.
Item 03
Subject: Update on California’s Draft Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan 2020-2023.
Type of Action: Information
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee provide input and feedback on the Draft Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan 2020-2023 Plan. This may include identifying opportunities for alignment between the Draft Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan 2020-2023 Plan and Draft Perkins V State Plan.
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members are concerned about individuals in dead-end jobs and wonder if the plan can help those that are trying to get into jobs that have upward mobility.
- Committee members wonder how the plan can help shape the future workforce and handle areas that are necessary to move forward, for example climate change issues.
- Committee members wonders how the CWPJAC can work together in the future.
- Committee members wonders how we collect data throughout the pipeline.
Public Comment:
- None
Item 04
Subject: The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act: Review and Approval of the Draft Federal Perkins V State Plan.
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The SBE, CDE, and CCCCO staff jointly recommend that the CWPJAC review and approve the Draft State Plan to be presented for approval to the SBE at their March 2020 meeting.
While feedback from the CWPJAC members is being requested for the entire document, it is suggested that members focus on two broad areas. First is a summary of the major themes of the public comments received. In addition, a report of all public comments received during the required public comment period of December 2, 2019, to January 3, 2020 is included. The public comment report specifies which comments were pertinent to the Draft Federal Perkins V State Plan, and if so, whether they were included in the draft federal plan. The report indicates if comments were not specific in addressing the draft federal plan and therefore, considered to be a local or implementation concern.
Second, the accountability section has been completely revised, including an updated State Determined Performance Levels (SDPL) form. In addition to these two major discussion areas, changes and updates to the different major strands of the Draft State Plan will be highlighted.
Attachment 1 provides a revised version, in track changes, of the Draft Federal State Plan identifying the differences from the version presented to the CWPJAC on November 25, 2019. Attachment 2 provides an updated version of all the changes from the November 25, 2019 CWPJAC meeting that have been incorporated. Attachment 3 provides how the strands, major and minor prompts, and items are broken down, along with associated page numbers. Attachment 4 is a summary of the public comments and responses. Attachment 5 is a collation of all the public comments received, and corresponding State responses by strand, major and minor prompts, and items. A copy of Attachment 5 will be made available in hard copy form. A binder will be made available in Room 1101 on January 31, 2020, as well as in Suite 4202 at the California Department of Education (CDE) after January 31, 2020. Attachment 6 is an updated project timeline that specifies which tasks have been completed since the November 25, 2019, CWPJAC meeting, and which tasks need completion in the near future.
Action: None
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members wanted staff to revise the teacher preparation section and schedule a CWPJAC meeting in March, prior to the SBE’s March meeting, for review and approval.
Public Comment:
- Efrain Marcada, California Teachers Association, expresses that the teacher shortage is still an overall issue.
- Catherine Cook, California Association of Work Experience Educators, shared information with the CWPJAC about work experience education.
- Mike Patterson, South Tahoe High School, is concerned about K–12 career technical education (CTE) teacher preparation and the limited number of programs to train CTE teachers.
- Lance Gunderson, California Industrial and Technology Education Association, is very concerned about teacher preparation and the teacher pipeline.
- A CTE Administrator shares an issue with the CWPJAC for internship sites, businesses are struggling on how to support some of the students (e.g. behavior, supports for special populations) employers need training on how to help those students participating in internships.
Public Comment
Chair Sun asked for public comment.
- None
Discussion and Next Steps
Guiding Policy Principles
- Student-Centered Delivery of Services
- Equity and Access
- System Alignment
- Continuous Improvement and Capacity Building
- State Priorities and Direction Lead the State Plan
Schedule of Future Meetings
Proposed List of Meeting Dates and Times for 2020:
- Monday, March 2, 2020 starting at 10:30 A.M.*
- Friday, May 8, 2020 starting at 10:30 A.M.*
- Friday, July 10, 2020 starting at 10:30 A.M.*
*Proposed meeting dates and times may be adjusted.
Chair Sun adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:23 P.M.