California Workforce Pathways Minutes May 2020
The California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) plans to address workforce pathways to address California’s regional economies.Report of Action
Friday, May 8, 2020
Members of California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee
Members Present
State Board of Education
- Patricia Rucker
- Ting Sun, Chair
California Community Colleges Board of Governors
- Jolena Grande, Vice Chair
- Bill Rawlings
- Alma Salazar
Ex-Officio Members
- Kristin McGuire, Ex-Officio Member, Young Invincibles
- David Rattray, Ex-Officio Member, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
Members Absent
- Vacancy, State Board of Education
Principal Staff
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
- Sheneui Weber, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD)
- Sandra Sanchez, Assistant Vice Chancellor, WEDD
- Jeff Mrizek, Dean, WEDD
California Department of Education
- Pradeep Kotamraju, Division Director, Career and College Transition Division (CCTD)
- Stephanie Papas, Education Administrator
- Michelle McIntosh, Education Administrator, CCTD
- Lisa Reimers, Education Programs Consultant, CCTD
- Rachel Moran, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
State Board of Education
- Patricia de Cos, Deputy Executive Director
- Pamela Castleman, Education Programs Consultant
California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee Meeting
Call to Order
Chair Sun called the meeting to order at approximately 10:37 a.m.
Approval of the Preliminary Report of Action
- March 2, 2020
- Vice Chair Grande moved to approve the March 2, 2020, meeting’s Preliminary Report of Action.
- Member Salazar seconded the motion.
- Yes Votes: Chair Sun, Vice Chair Grande, Member Rawlings, Member Rucker, and Member Salazar
- No votes: None
- Absent Members: Vacancy, State Board of Education
- Abstentions: None
- Recusals: None
Meeting Overview
Review of Meeting Documents
Agenda Items
Item 01
Subject: The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V): Update on Federal Perkins V State Plan Submission, Flexibilities by the Federal Department of Education Resulting from COVID-19, and Approval of the Draft 2020–21 Perkins V Substantially Approvable Secondary Local Application Plan Form.
Type of Action: Action, Information
Recommendation: The State Board of Education (SBE), the California Department of Education (CDE), and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) staff jointly recommend that the California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) review and approve the Draft 2020–21 Perkins V Substantially Approvable Secondary Local Application Plan Form for use by secondary recipients of federal Perkins V funds in order for them to receive funding beginning on July 1, 2020.
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members asked many questions about spending flexibilities for local eligible agencies utilizing Perkins V funds.
- Committee members would like the CDE to look into a waiver to the U.S. Department of Education to help local agencies with funding flexibilities, members would like the Perkins V flexibilities to resemble the flexibilities awarded under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
- Committee members want to ensure that the CDE is giving timely information to local eligible agencies on how they can spend Perkins V funds during the pandemic.
- Committee members want the timeline to resemble the timeline for the Local Control Accountability Plan.
- Committee Members would like to see their Guiding Policy Principles more prevalent in the application and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA).
Public Comment:
- Sharon Gleason wanted clarification on the timeline and the twelve elements, Chair Sun requested that she reach out to the CDE directly for clarification.
- Member Rawlings moved to approve the secondary Substantially Approvable Application.
- Vice Chair Grande seconded the motion.
- Yes Votes: Chair Sun, Vice Chair Grande, Member Rawlings, Member Rucker, and Member Salazar
- No votes: None
- Absent Members: Vacancy, State Board of Education
- Abstentions: None
- Recusals: None
Item 02
Subject: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act: Initial Review of the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Template and the Local Application Plans.
Type of Action: Information
Recommendation: The SBE, CDE, and CCCCO staff jointly recommend that the CWPJAC provide an initial review and provide input on the secondary CLNA and local application plan templates as attached. The post-secondary CLNA templates are provided by the CCCCO for information only.
Comments from Committee Members:
- Committee members want to see a new application, not the same application that was used before Perkins V.
- Committee members want to see the Guiding Policy Principles and Essential Elements within the application.
- Committee members want to see a draft application as it develops, CDE staff suggested a June memo.
Public Comment:
- Clinton Maxwell said that requiring each district to hold CLNA meetings is a lot of meetings. I love the concept, but in rural areas we also need to have county offices of education well engaged.
- Sharon Gleason from Bakersfield Adult School: We are not sure how to respond to the comprehensive school data.
- Ray Doll, teacher from Southern California, appreciates the similar application that has been used in the past. Are we going to be graded via a rubric when we haven’t been in the past? Is the CLNA a template or do we have to follow it to the tee?
Public Comment
Chair Sun asked for public comment.
- None
Discussion and Next Steps
Guiding Policy Principles
- Student-Centered Delivery of Services
- Equity and Access
- System Alignment
- Continuous Improvement and Capacity Building
- State Priorities and Direction Lead the State Plan
Schedule of Future Meetings
Proposed List of Meeting Dates and Times for 2020:
- Friday, July 10, 2020, starting at 10:30 a.m.*
*Proposed meeting dates and times may be adjusted.
Chair Sun adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:05 p.m.