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CWPJAC Minutes October 11, 2019

The California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) plans to address workforce pathways to address California’s regional economies.


Members of California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee

Member Present

State Board of Education
  • Feliza Ortiz-Licon
  • Patricia Rucker
  • Ting Sun, Vice Chair
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Board of Governors
  • Jolena Grande, Chair
  • Bill Rawlings
  • Alma Salazar
Ex-Officio Member Present
  • Kristin McGuire, Young Invincibles
Member Absent
  • David Rattray, Ex-Officio Member, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

Principal Staff

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
  • Sheneui Weber, Vice Chancellor, Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD)
  • Jeff Mrizek, Dean, WEDD
  • Matthew Roberts, Dean, WEDD
California Department of Education
  • Pradeep Kotamraju, Division Director, Career and College Transition Division (CCTD)
  • Michelle McIntosh, Education Administrator, CCTD
  • Lisa Reimers, Education Programs Consultant, Career and College Transition Division
  • Rachel Moran, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
State Board of Education
  • Patricia de Cos, Deputy Executive Director
  • Pamela Castleman, Education Programs Consultant

Please note that the complete proceedings of the October, 2019 California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) meeting, including closed-captioning, are available online, California Workforce Pathways.

California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee Meeting

Call to Order


Chair Grande called the meeting to order at approximately 10:07 a.m.

Approval of Meeting Minutes
  • September 13, 2019
    • Member Rawlings moved to approve the September 13, 2019 meeting minutes.
    • Member Rucker seconded the motion.
      • Yes Votes: Chair Grande, Member Ortiz-Licon, Member Rawlings, Member Rucker, Member Salazar, and Vice Chair Sun
      • No votes: None
      • Member Absent: None
      • Abstentions: None
      • Recusals: None

      The motion passwed with six votes.

Meeting Overview
Purpose of Committee Meetings
Review of Meeting Documents

Agenda Items

Item 01

Subject: California Career Technical Education (CTE) Initiatives: Overview of the Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (K–12) Strong Workforce Program (K-12 SWP) Metrics.

Type of Action: Information

Recommendation: Staff from the California Department of Education (CDE) and California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) recommend that the CWPJAC receive the presentation on the K–12 SWP metrics development, and provide any feedback as deemed necessary.

Action: No Action Taken.

Comments from Committee Members:

  • Member Rucker would like to see recommendations of other data systems that collect the information we are seeking to collect which CALPADS cannot collect at this time.
  • Vice Chair Sun would like to see what metrics we are aiming for.
  • Members would like to see how the data being collected will be used for accountability. Are we collecting data that is not being used in accountability? If so, why are we collecting this data?
  • Member Ortiz-Licon would like to see fifth year graduating students included in the data.
  • Member Rucker would like to see a legislative mandate to report data in a uniform way and have a repository that can hold districts accountable for serving students in special populations.

Public Comment:

  • Traci Zerpoli, Tri-Cities Regional Occupational Program (ROP), commented that there are concerns with the K–12 SWP funding allocation model not being equitable across regions.
Item 02

Subject: Update and review on the development of the California State Plan for Career Technical Education (CTE), including requirements for the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).

Type of Action: Action, Information

Recommendation: To complete the work on the State Plan for CTE, staff from the State Board of Education (SBE), the California Department of Education (CDE), and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) are working jointly to develop, validate and complete the new State Plan for CTE. The SBE, the CDE, and the CCCCO staff jointly recommends that the California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee (CWPJAC) review and provide input into the California State Plan for CTE. A draft version of the State Plan for CTE has been provided as a separate attachment, which shows the work to date. Please keep in mind additions and refinements will be occurring for the next several weeks, with a Draft Plan (referred to as Draft Plan A) brought forward for full discussion at the CWPJAC November 8, 2019 meeting.

Action: No Action Taken.

Comments from Committee Members:

  • Member Salazar would like to remind everyone that there is a fourth agency that needs to be included, the California Workforce Development Board.
  • Members would like the CWPJAC and staff follow the Guiding Policy Principles in the development of the plan and ensure that meeting agendas are developed and materials are ready to ensure members have the appropriate time to review documents before meetings.
  • Member Rucker has a concern that there are some accountability descriptions in the State Plan for CTE that are not aligned to accountability in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan.
  • Member Rawlings mentioned that there are regional differences in the state and would like to see deliberate outreach to the Inland Empire and San Gabriel County to ensure we are getting feedback from across the state.
  • Member Salazar wants to ensure that we have a plan for scaffolding and communication to ensure the field is aware of the changes that are being made from the Perkins V Plan and the more ambitious State Plan.
  • Member Rucker is concerned about the composition of the stakeholder group for the State Plan and what is described in the Perkins V legislation.
  • Member Salazar would like to ensure that the stakeholders are representative to the students being served.
  • Member Salazar would like to see cultural and structural changes directing how we work as we move from the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) to Perkins V. Member Salazar would like to see us looking into the future and recession-proof the State Plan.
  • Members would like to see the changes in November as a Track Changes document.
  • Chapter One
    • Members want to see more clearly the linkages between the K–12 and community college system.
    • Member Ortiz-Licon mentioned that she received a letter about the absence of industry partnerships in the State Plan and wonders how we more explicitly call out these partnerships as valuable.
  • Chapter Two
    • Member Rucker is concerned that a lot information from Chapter Two will not be included in the federal application, there has been many policy changes, like the changes in agency collaboration with the Adult Education Program that needs to be included. We also need to make connections with the State’s ESSA Plan and the Local Control Accountability Plan to share the State’s policy differences from Perkins IV.
    • Vice Chair Sun wants to ensure that accountability is for equity and access, we are looking at college and career, CTE is not an off program and part of the bigger picture and should be emphasized in the vision for California.
    • Members mentioned the Future of Work Commission and that we need to include that work as well.
    • Members would like to see all the pots of funds for CTE and how they link together.
  • Chapter Three
    • Member Ortiz-Licon would like to see us to use the English Learner’s (EL) roadmap to align CTE policies.
    • Member Rawlings believes that we need to strengthen relationships between K–12 local educational agencies and community colleges.
  • Chapter Four
    • Members wonder about the communication and marketing of the new State Plan and how the field will be supported in making the changes.
  • Chapter Five
    • Member

Public Comment:

  • Jenny Hunger, Teacher, Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified School District, shared with the CWPAJC that most of their students are enrolled in a CTE course and would like to see programs streamlined. Jenny also mentioned the importance of industry in CTE.
  • Jen Aguilar, Student, Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified School District, shared that she is grateful for the education and opportunities afforded to her by her CTE program, she feels fortunate that she had these experiences and feels for those who are not able to participate in a CTE program.
  • Teacher from Colton ROP feels thank putting career on a equal level as college is very important. The teacher also shared the importance of industry as partners in CTE programs.
  • Bruce Ingram, CRY-ROP shared his concern of the lack of weight on industry partnerships in CTE programs.
  • Mateo a student from Colton shared that he learned about soft skills through industry partnerships, skills like communication and how to shake a hand.
  • Bill Buttinely and Auto teacher from Whittier believes that without industry there is not career, this whole purpose of school is to obtain a career so CTE should be a graduation requirement.
  • Cody Hill, Tri-Cities ROP mentioned that he went to college without any thought of what he wanted to do post college, we need industry to help students have work experiences.
  • Kyle Hylane shared his concern that industry is not called out in the State Plan.
  • Mary Whited from Merced is concerned about industry not being called out clearly in the State Plan.
  • Tracie Zerpoli, Tri-Cities ROP mentioned that some elements in the Guiding Policy Principles are the same as the Guiding Policy Principles.

Public Comment

Chair Grande asked for public comment.

  • None

Discussion and Next Steps

Guiding Policy Principles
  • Student-Centered Delivery of Services
  • Equity and Access
  • System Alignment
  • Continuous Improvement and Capacity Building
  • State Priorities and Direction Lead the State Plan
Schedule of Future Meetings
  • Friday, November 8, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.*

Proposed List of Meeting Dates and Times for 2020:

  • Friday, January 31, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.*
  • Friday, March 13, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.*
  • Friday, May 8, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.*
  • Friday, July 10, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.*

* The previously proposed meeting dates and times may be adjusted.


Chair Grande adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:55 p.m.

Questions: Tara Neilson | | 916-445-5568 
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 01, 2024
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