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Direct Support Professional Training

Information, including curriculum, for those Service Hubs that offer required training necessary for individuals to work in community care licensed facilities.

The Direct Support Professional (DSP) Training Program certifies individuals that are currently employed working with individuals with a developmental disability living in licensed community care facilities.

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has over 4,400 licensed community care facilities that serve people with developmental disabilities living in licensed facilities. DDS implemented a two-year, 70-hour standardized statewide competency-based training program. Training is mandatory for employees and administrators who provide direct care in a community care facility.

Four county service hubs provide the DSP Training at no cost to enrollees. The 70 hours of training are divided into two equal parts of 35 hours each to be completed in successive years. In lieu of the training, a challenge test may be taken for each of the 35 hour segments. Those who pass the challenge test for either of the 35 hour training segments will not be required to take that classroom segment. Training and testing are based upon core competencies or skills necessary for satisfactory Direct Support Professionals' job performance.

Department of Developmental Services Training Resources

Contact information

Colby Franklin
Education Administrator I

Tara Neilson
Education Programs Consultant, Program Contact

Lisa Schiro
Staff Services Manager l, Fiscal Contact

Career Technical Education Leadership Office
Career and College Transition Division
California Department of California
1430 N Street, Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95814

Questions:   Tara Neilson | | 916-445-5568
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 07, 2025