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Expenditure Guidelines

2024-25 Expenditure guidelines for the California Partnership Academies (CPA) grant program.

California Partnership Academies (CPA) grant funds are designated exclusively for resources that directly support the CPA program. CPAs must strictly adhere to California Education Code (EC) sections 54690–54697 External link opens in new window or tab.. Additionally the Green Technology Partnership Academies (formerly known as SBX1 1) must comply with EC Section 54750 External link opens in new window or tab.. It is crucial to note that CPA funds are meant to supplement existing school and district provisions, not replace them.

CPA Allowable Expenditures

Allowable items may include, but are not limited to, those listed below:

Personnel Expenditures Allowable Status

Salaries for additional duties by certificated personnel (teacher, counselors, and administrators) to develop, implement, and manage the CPA, and can be paid in the form of stipends or extra assignment pay (must be during non-contractual hours).

Compensation is for additional time spent on CPA programming and events, such as an additional prep period, developing and managing mentorship/internship programming, field trips, or recruitment activities.

An extra prep period for the Academy coordinator should be supported as part of the school district’s matching funds, whenever practical.


Substitute costs for CPA staff to attend conferences/workshops, field trips, or release days for program and/or curriculum development.


Academic and student support systems, e.g., academy tutoring programs.

Clerical support on an “as needed” basis for specific academy requirements.

*Personnel Expenditures: Object Codes 1000, 2000, and 3000 inclusive (Certified, Classified, and Benefits) total not to exceed 40 percent of the grant amount.

Program Materials and Facilities Allowable Status

Academy uniform items at a reasonable cost. (T-shirts are not allowed).

Requires pre-approval from California Department of Education (CDE) CPA Staff.

*Clothing items must remain the property of the CPA for reuse in subsequent years.
Allowable with CDE pre-approval

Instructional supplies and materials that are supplemental to the program such as supplemental books and classroom technology directly related to the career focus of the CPA.

Only for use by CPA students.


Food expenses specifically for academy advisory/mentor meetings, at state rate.

(All other food expenses are non-allowable.)

Equipment/items appropriate to the CPA career focus and used only for/by CPA students and staff.
Capital Outlay purchases: purchase of a single item that costs $5,000 or more, requires pre-approval from CDE CPA Staff.
Allowable with CDE pre-approval
Industry-recognized certification exams/assessments. Must be offered to all academy students, not individual.
Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) related costs: instructional materials, advisor and student expenses (transportation and registration) to state and national CTSO leadership conferences (offered to all CPA students only).

Exceeding 25 percent on technology requires CDE CPA staff pre-approval. All expenses for technology should be aligned with the approved district technology plan. (Only to be used by CPA students for instructional purposes).

Allowable with CDE pre-approval - If over the 25 percent limit


Program Activities and Services Allowable Status

Field trips: Student transportation costs (in-state, ground travel only) and admission fees to venues that are directly related to the career focus of the CPA with an assignment.

Be prepared to submit all curriculum associated with this activity to the CDE for review and approval.

(Student lodging, food, and airfare is non-allowable)

CPA Staff Travel: In-state and out-of-state transportation and lodging expenses for CPA-related purposes, such as conferences and CTSO.

Marketing, recruitment, and outreach activities (brochures, flyers, or banners) that are directed to CPAs.

Promotional items such as cups, lanyards, pens are non-allowable.

Motivational activities connected to increasing student achievement and occupational preparation.

Examples include team building activities (CPA students and staff) and college visitations within the focus of the Industry Sector.


If you have questions regarding any of the allowable/non-allowable items listed, please contact the CPA team by email at

CPA Non-allowable Expenditures

Non-allowable items may include, but are not limited to, those listed below:

California Partnership Academies
Non-allowable Expenditures
Allowable Status
Supplanting salaries or other district responsibilities: CPA funds must supplement, not supplant state general fund and local dollars. CPA funds may not free up state or local dollars for other purposes.
Cost of admission or transportation for students and staff to attend educational field trips and special event days at entertainment parks and theme parks.
Out-of-state travel for students.
Student lodging and airfare.
Food for students.
Gift of public funds: Any item which is retained by CPA students or staff (e.g., supplies, clothing/uniforms, tools, mugs, awards, etc.).
Awards items (e.g., graduation stoles, medallions, pins, etc.).
Monetary awards (e.g., scholarships, paid internships, student stipends)
Promotional items, such as T-shirts, pens, cups, key chains, etc.
Staff dues/memberships to professional organizations.
Teacher certification/credentialing costs.

Furniture – traditional classroom (chairs, desks, bookcases, etc.)

Exception: Furniture that is unique to the instructional needs of the CPA is allowed with CDE pre-approval (e.g., court room furniture or patient beds, etc).
Construction of facilities. Construction costs and materials for a new permanent structure, remodeling, or repair of existing structure.
Purchase or lease of buildings/facilities.
Purchase or lease of vehicles.

If you have questions regarding any of the allowable/non-allowable items listed, please contact the CPA team by email at

District Match

Districts must match 100 percent of the CPA grant amount. Examples of district match may include, but are not limited to, those listed below:

  • An extra prep period for the project coordinator to coordinate and oversee the critical academy components, (e.g., mentors, internships, field trips, and business partners).
  • Additional staff and administrative hours spent on CPA events/needs for CPA students and staff only.
  • Release time for curriculum development, program planning, and team building.
  • Smaller class size.
  • Counselor assignment for supplemental CPA only activities or smaller counselor-to-student ratio than other counselors in the school.
  • Instructional aides and classified assistants for CPA-only projects that are over and above normal workload.
  • Substitute costs to support program activities.
  • Staff development, in-services, and workshops provided only for CPA teachers.
  • Program activities applied using any part of another grant (Perkins, CTEIG, Agriculture Incentive Grant, Golden State Pathways Program, etc.).
  • Transportation for field trips, to postsecondary classes, to internships, and job shadowing locations.
  • Equipment purchased for the academy and the career focus. Not provided to the school at large and maintained only for use by CPA students and staff.
  • Facility modernization and construction expenditures that are specific to the CPA to meet the instructional needs of the CPA.

Business and Community Partners Match

Business and community partners must match 100 percent of the CPA grant amount. Examples of business partner match may include, but are not limited to, those listed below:

  • Serve on an Advisory Committee.
  • Provide mentors who serve as career-related role models.
  • Provide job shadowing, internships, and other work experience opportunities.
  • Offer externships for academy staff.
  • Help develop curriculum for the CPA courses.
  • Provide speakers for Academy classes.
  • Provide equipment and technology.
  • Provide facilities, food for academy activities, clothing items for identification purposes or uniforms, equipment, and/or transportation.
  • Provide additional funds for academy.
  • Sponsor students to attend CTSO events.
  • Provide student scholarships.

Note: Average value per hour for business partner’s time is estimated at $75 dollars.

CPA Contact Information

Program Contacts

Eliese Rulifson, Education Programs Consultant, Academies, Apprenticeship and Internship Office (AAIO)


Ceinwen Bushey, Education Programs Assistant, AAIO


Fiscal Contacts
Career Technical Education Initiative (CTEI) Funded CPAs

Alicia Aguirre, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA), AAIO


Proposition 98 (Prop 98) Funded CPAs

Michelle Upton, AGPA, AAIO


Green Technology Partnership Academies (GTPA) Funded CPAs - (formerly known as SBX 1 1 - Clean Technology and Renewable Energy)

Cindy Rose, AGPA, AAIO


Questions:   Academy, Apprenticeship, and Internship Office |
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 24, 2025