Long Descriptions for Chapter Two
Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in Chapter Two of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve.Title: Safe and Supportive Schools Model of School Climate
This image illustrates the three interrelated constructs of school climate: safety, engagement, and environment. Under the heading “School climate” are three columns. The columns are titled: “Safety,” “Engagement,” and “Environment.”
Under the “Safety” column are three rectangles. The words in the rectangles are: “Substance use,” “Physical safety,” and “Bullying and aggression.”
Under the “Engagement” column are four rectangles. The words in the rectangles are: “Connectedness, school, teacher, and student,” “Academic engagement,” “Culture of equity,” and “Parent engagement.”
Under the “Environment” column are four rectangles. The words in the rectangles are: “Physical comfort/cleanliness,” “Rules and consequences,” “Disorder,” and “Support Services.”