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CA Common Core State Standards Maps Instructions

Instructions for Completing the California Common Core State Standards Maps for 2025 Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption Kindergarten Through Grade Eight, Basic Grade-Level Programs (Algebra I and Mathematics I Programs).

The California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CA CCSSM) were adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) on August 2, 2010, and modified pursuant to legislation on January 16, 2013. The Standards Maps are completed by the publisher/developer to demonstrate the alignment of their instructional materials programs to the CA CCSSM. The mapping of the standards requires thorough knowledge and accurate notations of the standards as they are presented in each publisher’s/developer’s instructional program. These standards maps will enable reviewers to see how a publisher’s/developer’s program aligns to the CA CCSSM.

Highlights of the Standards

The CA CCSSM in kindergarten through grade eight are organized by grade level and are presented in domains that vary by grade. The higher mathematics standards are organized around conceptual categories such as Algebra, Functions, and Statistics and Probability, and into model courses such as Algebra I and Mathematics I. The CA CCSSM also include Standards for Mathematical Practice that are applicable at all grade levels. These standards describe expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students.

Instructions for Completing the Standards Map

Fill in the header for each grade-level or higher mathematics course map with the publisher’s/developer's name, the program's title, and list of components (including abbreviations used, such as “SE” for student edition).

Completing the Organization Around Conceptual Ideas Map

Evaluation criterion statement 1.2 requires that programs be consistent with the content of the 2023 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework). In order to be considered suitable for adoption by the SBE, a publisher's or developer’s program must present content organized around major conceptual ideas, as demonstrated in chapters 6, 7, and 8, and as described in the Publishers and Content Developers Guide to the Mathematics Framework, found in chapter 13 of the Mathematics Framework.

  1. Publishers/developers should use the first column of this table to list the major conceptual ideas used to organize the instructional program.

  2. In the second column, publishers/developers should show how these relate to the Framework’s Big Ideas.

  3. In the third column, publishers/developers should show the organization of the program by showing how the content standards are mapped to each of the major conceptual ideas or Big Ideas used by the program.

Publishers/developers should be aware of how major conceptual ideas develop from one grade to the next. For charts detailing the progression of the Mathematics Framework’s Big Ideas throughout the grade levels, see chapter 6 (TK–grade two and grades 3–5) (DOCX) and chapter 7 (grades 6–8) (DOCX).

Completing the Standards for Mathematical Practice Map and the Grade Level Content Standards Map
  1. The first two columns have been completed with the required information regarding the CA CCSSM and the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

    • Column one contains the grade level (or conceptual category for higher mathematics) and content standard number. For standards consisting of multiple parts, all parts must be addressed.

    • Column two contains the text of each standard.

  2. Column three (Publisher/Developer Citations) is reserved for publishers/developers to identify citations for each standard. In these spaces, publishers/developers provide information to help reviewers determine how each of the standards is covered in the program. Publishers/developers only need to provide citations for numbered standards (i.e., not for the domain or cluster titles in the standards). Accurate and succinct responses are appreciated.

  3. Columns four, five, and six should be left blank. These columns are provided for Reviewers to use as they evaluate whether the program is aligned or not aligned to the standards. The last column is provided for note taking by Reviewers.
Other Instructions

Publishers/developers may use the “Appendix” section at the end of each grade-level standards map to provide additional comments regarding their citations on coverage of specific standards if it is necessary.

On all maps, publishers/developers should keep the actual citations simple and clearly reference the page number and/or the span of pages.

Questions about the standards maps may be directed to the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division at

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 25, 2024