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Schedule of Significant Events

The schedule of significant events for the revision of the Arts Framework was approved by the State Board of Education July 11, 2018.
Event Schedule

Focus Group recruitment letter and application distributed to districts, visual and performing arts (VAPA) stakeholder organizations, and institutes of higher education

March 2018

Recruitment of Focus Group members, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5 CCR) §9511(c)

March–April, 2018

Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) approves Schedule of Significant Events and Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) Application

May 17, 2018

State Board of Education (SBE) approves Schedule of Significant Events and CFCC Application (pursuant to 5 CCR §9513)

July 11–12, 2018

State Superintendent of Public Instruction appoints Focus Group members

July 2018

Four Focus Group meetings (pursuant to 5 CCR §9511[c]):

  • August 16, 2018: San Diego County Office of Education
    (4–6 p.m.)
  • August 22, 2018: Santa Clara County Office of Education
    (4–6 p.m.)
  • August 30, 2018: California Department of Education and via videoconference at Humboldt and Tulare County Offices of Education (4–6 p.m.)
  • September 12, 2018: Los Angeles County Office of Education (4–6 p.m.)

August–September 2018

Minimum 90-day recruitment of CFCC (from date application posted through SBE appointment of CFCC) pursuant to 5 CCR §9513

August–October 2018

IQC receives Focus Group input and recommends CFCC members and guidelines for the revision of the framework to the SBE

November 15–16, 2018

SBE receives Focus Group input, approves guidelines for the revision of the framework, and appoints CFCC

January 9–10, 2019

CFCC Meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

  • February 28–March 1, 2019
  • April 4–5, 2019
  • May 2–3, 2019
  • June 13–14, 2019
  • July 18–19, 2019
  • August 15–16, 2019

February–August 2019

IQC approves draft framework for initial 60-day public review period

September 19–20, 2019

Required 60-day public review of draft 2020 Arts Education Framework for California Public Schools Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Arts Framework) prior to IQC recommendation (pursuant to 5 CCR §9515[a][3])

October–November 2019

IQC analyzes field review results and revises draft Arts Framework

January 2020

IQC action on draft Arts Framework

January 2020

Required 60-day public review of document after IQC recommendation (pursuant to 5 CCR §9515[c])

February–March 2020

SBE action to adopt Arts Framework

July 2020

Date of adoption of instructional materials (pursuant to California Education Code §60605.13)

November 2021

This timeline is subject to change. The SBE will only take action on changes to the approved timeline if they affect IQC or SBE action dates.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Friday, June 14, 2024
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