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Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Materials

Information on all subject areas.

Curriculum frameworks provide guidance for implementing the content standards adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE). Frameworks are developed by the Instructional Quality Commission, which also reviews and recommends textbooks and other instructional materials to be adopted by the SBE.

Schools in California, other states and abroad may review and use the California State Board of Education-adopted Content Standards and Curriculum Frameworks in developing their own curricula. However, no such school shall use the California Department of Education's (CDE) or California SBE’s respective names or logos on any resulting curriculum materials or imply that any such materials are approved or endorsed by CDE or the SBE. Furthermore, the Content Standards and Curriculum Frameworks are protected by copyright, and the above authorization for others to review and consider these materials does not permit publishing, distributing, or making any other use of any part of the materials, unless separately authorized. Please see CDE’s copyright statement.

Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Materials Highlights

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Standards and Curriculum Frameworks

Curricular Initiatives

  • Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant—AB 185, Sec. 56
    Guidance to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) regarding Section 56 of Assembly Bill 185 (AB 185): The Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant.
  • Arts and Music in Schools Program
    The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) initiative provides additional funding for arts education in California public schools.
  • California Indian Education Act
    Information for local educational agencies who have created California Indian Education task forces.
  • Digital Learning Integration and Standards Guidance (DLISG)
    Guidance to support schools to effectively implement technology to support learning and to address critical areas of instructional focus.
  • Holocaust and Genocide Education Grant Funding Results
    SB 141 Section 31 appropriates the sum of $1,500,000 for the California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education to continue its work developing and providing curriculum resources and professional development related to genocide and Holocaust education.
  • Holocaust and Genocide in Education Grant 2024–29 Funding Results
    SB 108, Section 215 appropriates the sum of $5 million to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to the Marin County Office of Education to contract with the California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education to continue its work to do both of the following: (1) develop and provide curriculum resources related to genocide and Holocaust education; and (2) provide professional development, including educator trainings, on genocide and Holocaust education.
  • Performance Tasks Embedded in Learning Grant Funding Results
    Senate Bill 153, Statutes of 2023, Chapter 38, Section 113 appropriates $7 million from the General Fund to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to the Los Angeles County Office of Education to develop a statewide repository of high-quality curriculum-embedded performance tasks across all grade levels mapped to the California Next Generation Science Standards for use by local educational agencies and educators to support inquiry-based instruction and assessment.
  • Hybrid and Remote Learning Grant Funding Results
    Senate Bill 153, Chapter 38, Statutes of 2024, Section 112, appropriates $4 million to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for allocation to a county office of education in consultation with the executive director of the SBE and the CDE, to research high-quality, data-supported models of hybrid and remote learning at public schools across the state and provide guidance, support, and resources to local educational agencies to build their own hybrid and remote learning programs to support innovative learning opportunities and instructional continuity.
  • School Libraries
    Find information to help improve school libraries in California.
  • School Libraries –CalEdFacts

Instructional Materials


  1. California–Adopted Instructional Materials Programs
    Instructional materials programs adopted by the California State Board of Education by subject matter.
  2. Instructional Materials Frequently Asked Questions
    Find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding instructional materials, funding, sufficiency and the Williams settlement.
  3. The Right to an Accurate and Inclusive Curriculum, and Managing Conversations About Race and Gender (Assembly Bill 1078)
    Information about California laws and policies that safeguard the right to an accurate and inclusive curriculum.
  4. Instructional Materials Adoptions General Information
    Learn about the adoption process, schedule, piloting, and other information.
  5. Guidance on Removal of Instruction or Instructional Materials
  6. Liability for Lost or Damaged Instructional Materials
    See information from the California Education Code regarding damage to student-issued instructional materials.
  7. Free List Procedures and Marketing Practices:
  8. Senate Bill 48 FAQ
    Find answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the implementation of Senate Bill 48 (Chapter 81 of the Statutes of 2011).


  1. Clearinghouse for Specialized Media & Technology
    Information and resources that support access to the general curriculum by students with disabilities.
  2. Braille-N-Teach List Service Member Registration for students with visual disabilities
  3. Instructional Material Ordering and Distribution System (IMODS) External link opens in new window or tab.
    Access the online ordering systems for Braille, Large Print, Audiobooks, American Sign Language (ASL) Videobooks, and American Printing House (APH) products.


  1. Free Educational Resources for Distance Learning
  2. Instructional Materials Evaluation and Adoption Process - CalEdFacts
  3. Listing of Learning Resource Display Centers (LRDC's)
  4. Social Content Review
    Search for instructional materials that comply with SBE guidelines for Social Content.
  5. Funding for Instructional Materials
  6. Price List Search and Adopted Materials Publisher Information
  7. Instructional Materials Survey Forms
    The gathered information is used to assist in evaluating the sufficiency of instructional materials.
Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 13, 2025
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