Postsecondary Status Data of CTE Completers
Annual reporting of Career Technical Education (CTE) postsecondary status of pathway completers who exited secondary education in the previous academic year.The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) established new CTE performance indicators and modified federal reporting requirements (formerly, E2 reporting) for CTE Completers. All local educational agencies (LEAs) operating CTE programs are now required to submit postsecondary status data of their CTE Completers, regardless of whether they received Perkins V funding. Both the CTE Incentive Grant (CTEIG) and the kindergarten through grade twelve Strong Workforce Program (K–12 SWP) grant programs require LEAs to annually submit additional CTE Completer information to the California Department of Education (CDE) to remain eligible for future funding. Failure to report postsecondary status data for completers will result in LEAs being excluded from the next round(s) of federal and state grant funding
To alleviate the administrative burden of annually collecting CTE Completer data for three separate programs, the CDE has created the CTE Completer Postsecondary Status Survey template. Once all of the student-level data has been compiled by the LEA, all student level data must be uploaded into their Student Information System and then exported into the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) through the Postsecondary Status (PSTS) file.
LEAs are required to survey all CTE Completers who left secondary education in the previous academic year (AY), completed a CTE sequence of courses of 300 hours or more (the 300-hour definition may change for subsequent reporting years), and passed the capstone course. This should include any student who became a CTE Completer at any time during high school, and exited secondary education in the previous AY with a School Completion status, meeting one of the following:
- Graduated, standard high school (HS) diploma
- Alternative Diploma Pathway
- Students with Disabilities Certification of Completion
- Adult Education HS diploma
- Received a HS Equivalency Certificate
- Received a CA Certificate of Proficiency (and no standard diploma)
- Completed grade twelve without completing graduation requirements
The 2025 Postsecondary Status Data (Reporting AY 2023–24) must be submitted to the CDE by March 21, 2025.
2025 CTE Survey Template (DOCX)
If you have any questions regarding the reporting of this data into CALPADS, please contact the CALPADS Office, by phone at 916-325-9210, or by email at