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Long Descriptions for Chapter Six

Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in Chapter Six of the Health Education Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve.

Title: Gender and Sexuality Continuum

The purpose of this image is to illustrate that gender and sexuality are a continuum, they are often fluid, and they do not fit neatly into categories. This image has five rows of information separated by dotted lines. Each row has a heading and an icon.

The first row has a rainbow icon, the heading “Gender Identity,” and three lines that each begin with an open circle and end in a right-pointing arrow. The first line is labeled “Female/Woman/Girl.” The second line is labeled “Male/Man/Boy.” The third line is labeled “Other Gender(s).”

The second row has a circle icon, the heading “Gender Expression,” and three lines that each begin with an open circle and end in a right-pointing arrow. The first line is labeled “Feminine.” The second line is labeled “Masculine.” The third line is labeled “Other.”

The third row has a DNA representation as the icon, the heading “Sex Assigned at Birth”, and three circles. The circles are labeled “Female,” “Male,” and “Other/Intersex.”

The fourth row has a heart icon, the heading “Physically Attracted to,” and three lines that each begin with an open circle and end in a right-pointing arrow. The first line is labeled “Women.” The second line is labeled “Men.” The third line is labeled “Other Gender(s).”

The fifth row has a red-colored heart icon, the heading “Emotionally Attracted to,” and three lines that each begin with an open circle and end in a right-pointing arrow. The first line is labeled “Women.” The second line is labeled “Men.” The third line is labeled “Other Gender(s).”

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Title: Cycle of Abuse

The purpose of this image is to illustrate the cyclic nature of abusive relationships.

Clockwise arrows connect three rectangles and one smaller rectangle to indicate the cycle of abuse. The green rectangle at the top of the images is labeled “Honeymoon.” The blue rectangle on the bottom right is labeled “Tension Building.” The purple rectangle on the bottom left is labeled “Explosion.” An arrow labeled “Trigger” points from the rectangle labeled “Tension Building” to the rectangle labeled “Explosion.” Overlapping the bottom edge of the rectangle labeled Honeymoon is a smaller rectangle labeled “False Honeymoon.” A thick arrow connects the rectangle labeled “Explosion” to the rectangle labeled “False Honeymoon.”

The figure illustrates that the honeymoon is followed by tension building which triggers an explosion. The explosion then results in a temporary false honeymoon which is followed by tension building which again triggers an explosion.

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Title: Rape Culture and Sexual Violence

This image represents the impact of actions by perpetrators of sexual violence and those who contribute to rape culture by perpetuating normalization and acceptance of sexual violence.

In this image there are three drawings that each represent a person. The person on the top left is labeled “Perpetrator” with the words “commits sexual violence” under the person. The person on the top right is labeled “Perpetuator” with the words “revictimizes survivor of sexual violence through perpetuating rape culture” under the person. The third person, who is drawn below and between the other icons, is labeled “Victim.” One arrow from the perpetrator and one arrow from the perpetuator each point downward to the victim to indicate that both the perpetrators and perpetuators of rape culture and sexual violence have a negative impact on the victim of sexual violence.

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Title: Revictimization

The purpose of this image is to illustrate how victims of sexual violence may be revictimized by those who perpetuate rape culture.

The image consists of seven rectangles, each and example of revictimization. Above the rectangles is the word “Revictimization.” Below the rectangles are the words “Ongoing Trauma.”

The examples of revictimization in the rectangles are: “Jokes about sexual violence.” “Minimizing sexual violence.” “Not believing the victim.” “Blaming the victim for the assault.” “Defending the perpetrator.” “Accusations of false reports.” “No prosecution or justice.”

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Title: Intersections of Sexual Violence, Classroom Example: Sex Trafficking

The purpose of this image is to illustrate the overlapping relationship between sex trafficking with dating violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.

The image is a Venn diagram with three overlapping large circles and one smaller circle in the middle that overlaps each of the larger circles. Moving clockwise from the top, the three large circles are labeled: “Dating Violence,” “Child Abuse,” and “Sexual Assault.” The smaller circle in the middle is labeled “Sex Trafficking.”

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Title: Five-Step Decision-Making Model for Grades Nine through Twelve

There are five square boxes separated by a right-pointing arrow to indicate the order of the steps in the decision-making process. From left to right, the boxes are labeled: “Step 1, Identify Decision,” “Step 2, Brainstorm Options,” “Step 3, Identify Possible Outcomes,” “Step 4, Make Decision,” and “Step 5, Reflect on Decision.”

In the Step 1 box is an image of two hands, each facing palms up. In one palm is the letter “A” and in the other is the letter “B” to indicate decisions to be made.

In the Step 2 box is a drawing of a person with three light bulbs over the head to indicate the person is brainstorming options.

In the Step 3 box is an image of two hands. One hand is drawn as a thumbs-up image to indicate positive outcomes. The other hand is drawn as a thumbs-down image to indicate negative outcomes.

In the Step 4 box is an image of a person walking up stairs.

In the Step 5 box is an image of a person with a cartoon-like drawing of a thought bubble to indicate the person is reflecting on the decision.

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Title: The Epidemiological Triangle

The image is a triangle. Reading clockwise from the top, the three points of the triangle are labeled “Host,” “Environment”, and “Agent.” Along each side of the triangle is a line with arrows on each end. The arrows are pointing to and from each point on the line.

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Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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