SBE-Adopted ELA/ELD Framework
The State Board of Education adopted the English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework at its July 9, 2014, meeting. This is the final, edited digital version of the ELA/ELD Framework, published July 2015.ELA /ELD Framework – Whole Document
The ELA/ELD Framework can be accessed for free on the California Educators Together
platform, a web-based community of practice providing equitable access to a collection of diverse, open digital resources.
ELA/ELD Framework – By Chapter
To view individual chapters of the ELA/ELD Framework, use the links below.
Cover, Front Matter, and Introduction to the Framework (PDF; 1MB)
Chapter 1: Overview of the Standards (PDF; 2MB)
Chapter 3: Content and Pedagogy: Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade One (PDF; 3MB)
Chapter 4: Content and Pedagogy: Grades Two and Three (PDF; 2MB)
Chapter 5: Content and Pedagogy: Grades Four and Five (PDF; 2MB)
Chapter 6: Content and Pedagogy: Grades Six Through Eight (PDF; 3MB)
Chapter 7: Content and Pedagogy: Grades Nine Through Twelve (PDF; 3MB)
Chapter 8: Assessment (PDF; 2MB)
Chapter 9: Access and Equity (PDF; 2MB)
Chapter 10: Learning in the 21st Century (PDF; 1MB)
Appendix, Resources, and Glossary (PDF; 2MB)
Additional Resources
- Executive Summary: English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework
The executive summary provides a glimpse into the ELA/ELD Framework and the guidance it provides for educators, including descriptive snapshots and vignettes of grade-level instruction.
- Making Meaning of the California Mathematics and ELA/ELD Frameworks – Helpful Tools for Every Audience (DOC)
This summary provides concrete examples on how the ELA/ELD and Mathematics Frameworks, Executive Summaries, and Parent/Guardian Brochures can be used by stakeholders to more effectively implement the California standards.