Long Descriptions for Appendix Three
Long descriptions for complex figures and tables in Appendix Three of the Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve.Figure App 3.1
Figure App 3.1. Representation of the Bifocal Modeling Framework from Stanford University
This figure is comprised of three numbered parts: 1, 2, and 3. On the left is 1 Physical experiment - Measured Data. There is an icon of a beaker of blue liquid in a circle pointing to the center image. On the right is 2 Computer Model – Simulated data. There is an icon of a computer screen in a circle pointing to the center image. In the center 3 Real time comparison. There are two graphs on the bottom of the image, one from Physical experiment and one from Computer Simulation. The third graph on top is the two graphs merged. The data graph from the physical experiment is much more varied than the computer simulation.
Figure App 3.2
Figure App 3.2. Student Example of a NetLogo Simulation of Electric Force
This is a screenshot of a computer simulation. On the top line “Entire Simulation created by four students in group A. Under that in the center are 3 tabs: Interface, Info, and Code.
Below that are some controls: Edit; Delete; Add; abc Button; a slider placed in the middle of the range “normal speed”; a radio button that is checked view updates; a drop down menu with “on ticks” chosen; Settings…. On the next line, The main screen is on the right and a series of slider controls are on the left: “setup” and “go”; charge 1, 1.0E-4C (slider all the way to the right); Charge 2, 1.0E-4C (Slider all the way to the right); D: 25.0 m (slider in the middle); Mass: 1.0 kg (Slider is about one-fifth of the way from the left); Initial velocity: 0 m/s (Slider is in the middle). On the main screen two red circles are shown, with one all the way to the left and the other almost all the way to the right. There are navigational controls in the upper left corner “ticks: 159” and in the upper right corner is a button for “3D.” “Distance between particles (m): 36.57. Times (s): 1.56. Then there is a series of four graphs: from left to right F v. T: Force (N) on the y-axis from -0.163 to 0.05; time (s) on the x-axis marked from 0 to 1.81 (no tick marks); the graph gently slopes upward with a slope of about ½. The next graph A vs. T: acceleration on the y-axis from -0.163 to 0.05 and time on the x-axis from 0 to 1.56. The graph is nearly identical to the first with a slope of about ½. The third graph V vs. T with Velocity on the y-axis from -0.105 to 0.05 and time on the x-axis from 0 to 1.56. This is a gently sloping downward curve. The fourth graph is Position vs. Time with position (m) on the y-axis from 0 to 36.8 and Time (s) on the x-axis from 0 to 1.56. This graph starts high at about 30 on the y-axis and gently slopes upward with a slope of about 1/3. Below this graph “Position of the rightmost particle relative to the leftmost.
Figure App 3.3
Figure App 3.3. Student Handout: The Electric Force Close Reading #1
The figure in the handout is titled Determining the Direction of the Electrical Force Vector. There are four objects (circles) A, B, C, and D. Object A has a negative charge and left-facing arrow that reads Force of B on A. Object B also has a negative charge but has a right-facing arrow that reads Force of A on B. Object C has a positive charge and a right-facing arrow Force of D on C. Object D has a negative charge and a left-facing arrow that reads Force of C on D.
Figure App 3.4
Figure App 3.4. Student Handout: The Electric Force Close Reading #2 (continued)
The figure in the student handout #2 is titled Levitating a Balloon. There are three drawings a, b, and c that are all the same except for the position of the balloon. In Figure a, a person is holding a charged tube under the balloon, the balloon is in its highest position above the tube with a small arrow upward to F elect and a medium arrow downward to F grav. Figure b has the same drawing but the balloon is closer to the tube with a longer upward arrow to F elect and the same arrow downward to F grav. Figure c is the same drawing and the balloon is in the same relative position as in b. There is an upward arrow pointing toward 11 o’clock and F elect, and the same F grav arrow pointing down.