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College-Going Rate for HS Completers (16-month)

College-Going Rate (CGR) for California high school completers 16 months after high school completion reported by race/ethnicity, student group, and academic year.

Files include state, county, district, and school level data. Please refer to the file structure for details on what data are contained in the file. For more information about the College-Going Rate (CGR), including information about how the CGR is calculated, please visit the Information about the College-Going Rate web page.

Note: To protect student privacy, data are suppressed (*) on the College-Going Rate (CGR) downloadable files if the cell size within a selected student population (high school completers) is 10 or less. Additionally, for Race/Ethnicity, “Not Reported” is suppressed, regardless of actual cell size, if the student population for one or more other race/ethnicity groups is suppressed.

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 28, 2024