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CALPADS UPC Source File 2013–14

Downloadable files pertaining to the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) of free or reduced price meal (FRPM) eligibility, English learner (EL), and foster youth data from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides supplemental and concentration grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) (school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools) based on the unduplicated percentage of their student population who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for Free or Reduced Price Meals (FRPM), are English learners (ELs), or are foster youth. The starting point for calculating this percentage is student data certified by LEAs as part of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Fall 1 submission. As part of the Fall 1 submission, LEAs certify a Census Day (first Wednesday in October) enrollment count and an unduplicated count of students who are FRPM eligible, ELs, and foster youth. To provide transparency to the LCFF calculations, the California Department of Education (CDE) has made available a summary of data that LEAs certified in CALPADS as part of their annual Fall 1 submission and an accounting of adjustments made to those data in CALPADS. The file includes both LEA- and school-level worksheets.

Additional adjustments made in the apportionment process are not displayed here. Final adjusted counts are displayed on Principal Apportionment exhibits for the appropriate fiscal year, apportionment cycle, and LEA. The specific exhibits are titled "School District [or County or Charter School] Unduplicated Pupil Percentage".

Fall 1 Certified CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Data

The data in this file reflect the CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) of students who are FRPM eligible, ELs and foster youth with primary or short-term enrollments in kindergarten through grade 12 on Census Day, as reported to CALPADS and certified by LEAs.

Adjustments to 2013–14 Certified UPC Data

Two sets of adjustments were made to the "Total Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts" certified by LEAs in CALPADS. First, the CALPADS UPC data include foster youth identified in a statewide foster match who may not have been identified by LEAs. Second, the CALPADS UPC data include students who were directly certified for free meals by CALPADS in December 2013, January 2014, and February 2014. This second adjustment was a one-time adjustment made outside of CALPADS that will not be included in the future. The posted file displays both the aggregate count of these students and an adjusted unduplicated total.

Two additional adjustments to the CALPADS UPC were made in the LCFF funding apportionment process, based on information reported by LEAs, and are not reflected in the data posted on this page.

  • Students who were enrolled in county offices of education (COEs) in 2013–14 were attributed to their school district of residence. As a result, the final UPC for COEs may decrease and the final UPC may increase.
  • Students who were enrolled in certain charter schools were attributed to their COE.

Again, these final adjusted counts are displayed on Principal Apportionment exhibits for the appropriate fiscal year, apportionment cycle, and LEA. The specific exhibits are titled "School District [or County or Charter School] Unduplicated Pupil Percentage".

LEA and School Level Data File

Refer to the main CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File web page for the data file.

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 3, 2025