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File Structure: CALPADS UPC Source File 2014–15

File structure for the CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File for 2014–15.

This file structure corresponds to the following data file:

CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File 2014–15.

Refer to the main CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source File Web page for the data file. The file is downloadable and is available in Microsoft Excel format

Field Description

Academic Year

The academic year corresponding to the annual Census Day from which official enrollment counts are determined using data submitted to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) by local educational agencies (LEAs), which includes school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. Census Day or Information Day is always the first Wednesday in October.

County Code

A unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.

District Code

A unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.

School Code

A unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.

County Name

County name

District Name

District or Administrative Authority Name

School Name

School name

District Type

District Ownership Type Description
School Type School Ownership Type Description
Educational Option Type Educational Option Type Description
NSLP Provision Status The values in this field indicate the school-level National School Lunch Program Provision Status for lunch and breakfast. Where no lunch or breakfast provision is specified, then the specified provision applies to both lunch and breakfast. Values are as follows: Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), Provision 1, Provision 2, Provision 3, Lunch Provision 1, Lunch Provision 2, Lunch Provision 3, Breakfast Provision 1, Breakfast Provision 2, Breakfast Provision 3, Multiple Provision Types, or N/A. This information is provided for informational purposes only. No special adjustments were made in the data for provision schools. For more information on NSLP provision status, please refer to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) School Meals Guidance and Resources Webpage.
Charter School (Y/N) A "Y" or "N" value indicating whether a school is a charter school in the current academic year.
Charter School Number A four character value (any combination of numbers and letters) assigned to a charter school. A blank value indicates the school is not a charter school.
Charter School Funding Type The values in this field indicate the charter school funding type. Values are as follows: Locally funded, Directly funded, Not in Charter School funding model, or Blank.
IRC A "Y" or "N" value indicating whether a school is an independently reporting charter (IRC) school in the current academic year.
Low Grade Lowest grade offered
High Grade Highest grade offered
Total Enrollment A total count of all K-12 students enrolled (primary or short-term) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the "Total Enrollment" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Free & Reduced Meal Program Of the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported being eligible on Census Day for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) based on Education Program records with an Education Program Membership Code 181 (Free) or 182 (Reduced). This count corresponds to the "Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Foster Of the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified through the weekly CALPADS Foster Matching process or matched by the LEA through the CALPADS online match process as being in Foster Students on Census Day. This count corresponds to the "Foster" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Homeless Of the Total Enrollment, a total count of students reported as being homeless on Census Day based on Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 191 (Homeless). This count corresponds to the "Homeless" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Migrant Program Of the Total Enrollment, a total count of students eligible for the Migrant Education Program on Census Day based on and Education Program record with an Education Program Membership Code 135 (Migrant). This count corresponds to the "Migrant Program: 135" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Direct Certification Of the Total Enrollment, a total count of students identified as being "directly certified" through CALPADS as participating in California's food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July - November 2014 and who are therefore eligible for free meals. This count corresponds to the "Direct Certification" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
Unduplicated FRPM Eligible Count Of the Total Enrollment, a total unduplicated count of students who meet household income or categorical eligibility criteria for free or reduced price meals (FRPM) based on applying for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); submitting alternative household income forms; their foster, homeless, or migrant statuses in CALPADS; or being "directly certified" through CALPADS as participating in California's food stamp or CalWORKs programs during July - November 2014. This count corresponds to the "Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts" provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count. This count does NOT represent the "official" FRPM eligible count because early TK children have been removed (Kindergarten students with birthdays after December 2, 2010).
English Learner (EL) Of the Total Enrollment, a count of students identified in CALPADS as English learners (EL) on Census Day. This count corresponds to the "EL Funding Eligible" count provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Of the Total Enrollment, an unduplicated count of students who are FRPM eligible (including foster youth students) or EL eligible. This count corresponds to the "Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible Count" provided in CALPADS certification report 1.17: FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth - Count.
2014–15 CALPADS Fall 1 Certification Status (Y/N) A "Y" or "N" value indicating whether data were submitted and certified in CALPADS. No data are provided where the certification status is "N".

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 03, 2025