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File Structure: Stability Rate Data

File structure for downloadable files containing student stability data disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, student group, and grade level. Adjusted cumulative enrollment counts, stability and non-stability counts and rate data are provided.

These files include state, county, district, and school-level data. Please refer to the file structure for details on what data are contained in the file. Data are not included for districts and independently reporting charter schools (IRCs) that did not certify their California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) End-of-Year 3 submission.

Note: To protect student privacy, data are suppressed (*) on the Stability Rate downloadable files if the cell size within a selected student population (eligible cumulative enrollment) is 10 or less. Additionally, for Race/Ethnicity, "Not Reported" is suppressed, regardless of actual cell size, if the student population for one or more other race/ethnicity groups is suppressed.

These files also contain aggregate data with disaggregated data subsets at different levels and reporting categories to provide enhanced analytical flexibility. For more detailed examples about how to properly use these data, please refer to the Using the Stability Rate Data File examples below.

General Description of the Data File

Field Name Description

Academic Year

The academic year (July 1 – June 30) corresponding to the time period during which the data were collected.

Aggregate Level

An indicator of the aggregation level.

  • T = State
  • C = County
  • D = District
  • S = School

Note: One of these values must be chosen to obtain an unduplicated count at the selected level.

County Code A unique two-digit code corresponding to the county.
District Code A unique five-digit code corresponding to the district.

School Code

A unique seven-digit code corresponding to the school.

County Name

County Name.

District Name

District or Administrative Authority Name.

School Name

School Name.

Charter (All/Y/N)

An indicator of the aggregation level.

  • All = Includes data for all schools regardless of charter status. For Aggregate Levels T, C, and D, data for all schools are included in the aggregate. Charter = All is not applicable for Aggregate Level = S (school-level).

  • Y = Includes only data for charter schools in the selected aggregate for Aggregate Levels T, C, and D. For Aggregate Level = S, a value of Charter = Y indicates that the school is a charter school.

  • N = Includes only data for non-charter schools in the selected aggregate for Aggregate Levels T, C, and D. For Aggregate Level = S, a value of Charter = N indicates that the school is not a charter school.

Note: One of these values must be chosen to obtain an unduplicated count at the selected level.

DASS (All/Y/N)

An indicator of the aggregation level.

  • All = Includes data for all schools regardless of DASS status. For Aggregate Levels T, C, and D, data for all schools are included in the aggregate. DASS = All is not applicable for Aggregate Level = S (school-level).

  • Y = Includes only data for DASS schools in the selected aggregate for Aggregate Levels T, C, and D. For Aggregate Level = S, a value of DASS = Y indicates that the school is a DASS school.

  • N = Includes only data for non-DASS schools in the selected aggregate for Aggregate Levels T, C, and D. For Aggregate Level = S, a value of DASS = N indicates that the school is not a DASS school.

Note: One of these values must be chosen to obtain an unduplicated count at the selected level.

Reporting Category

An indicator of the student group reporting category (race/ethnicity, gender, or program subgroup) disaggregation or subset.

  • RB = African American
  • RI = American Indian or Alaska Native
  • RA = Asian
  • RF = Filipino
  • RH = Hispanic or Latino
  • RD = Not Reported
  • RP = Pacific Islander
  • RT = Two or More Races
  • RW = White
  • GM = Male
  • GF = Female
  • GX = Non-Binary Gender (Beginning 2019–20)
  • GZ = Missing Gender
  • SE = English Learners
  • SD = Students with Disabilities
  • SS = Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
  • SM = Migrant
  • SF = Foster
  • SH = Homeless
  • GRK = Kindergarten
  • GR13 = Grades 1–3
  • GR46 = Grades 4–6
  • GR78 = Grades 7–8
  • GRK8 = Grades K–8
  • GR912 = Grades 9–12
  • TA = Total

Note: Select Reporting Category = TA for aggregate totals without consideration of a Reporting Category student group.

Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment

The total number of unduplicated primary and short-term enrollments at the selected entity with an enrollment start date that falls within the academic year (July 1 to June 30). The Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment is calculated at each reporting level (e.g., school, district, county, and state) and therefore is not necessarily additive from one reporting level to the next. For example, if a student is enrolled in multiple schools within a district during the academic year, they are counted once at each school, but only once in the district's Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment.

Stability Count The total number of students in the Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment with a Continuous Enrollment in one school without a disqualifying exit.
Non-Stability Count The total number of students in the Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment without a Continuous Enrollment in one school or with a disqualifying exit.
Stability Rate The total number of students in the Stability Count divided by the total Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment at a selected entity.
Non-Stability Rate The total number of students in the Non-Stability Count divided by the total Adjusted Cumulative Enrollment at a selected entity.

Note: A Continuous Enrollment is a student enrollment record that that is a minimum of 245 consecutive calendar days at the same school. Any student enrollment exited with a mid-year enrollment update (E150) and with a subsequent enrollment at the same school is treated as a Continuous Enrollment at that school. Any student with a continuous enrollment that is exited from a school with one of the following “disqualifying” Student Exit Category codes is considered a non-stable student at that school:

  • E140: Truant, no subsequent enrollment
  • E300: Expelled, no subsequent enrollment
  • E400: Unknown, no subsequent enrollment

For a complete list of CALPADS Student Exit Category codes, refer to the CALPADS Code Sets available on the CALPADS System Documentation web page.

General Description of the Data File

The cumulative enrollment data used to calculate stability rates are submitted by local educational agencies (LEAs) and charter schools to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of the annual End of Year 3 (EOY 3) data submission in CALPADS. Cumulative enrollment data are reviewed and certified in CALPADS as being accurate by authorized district or school personnel. In order to certify data in CALPADS, authorized district or charter school personnel are required to review the accuracy of all data associated with the applicable CALPADS submission. CALPADS certification is a two-step process with final certification reserved for district superintendents, charter school administrators, or their designees. Please contact the district or school if you have any questions about their certified CALPADS data.

Source: Cumulative Enrollment data were submitted and certified by LEAs and/or charter schools as part of the annual CALPADS EOY 3 submission.

Note: An asterisk (*) appearing in a data field is used to protect student privacy.

Using the Stability Rate Data File

This file contains different subsets of data based on the values of different variables. If these sub-setting variables are not used properly, it is easy to end up with incorrect or duplicative data. Please refer to the following examples below as a guide for properly using these data:

  1. Get school-level data totals with one record per school with school totals (without student group totals)
    1. Aggregate Level = S (School)
    2. Charter School (Y/N) = All
    3. DASS (Y/N) = All
    4. Reporting Category = TA

  2. Get school-level data totals by student group (Reporting Category) for all non-charter schools
    1. Aggregate Level = S (School)
    2. Charter School (Y/N) = N
    3. DASS (Y/N) = All
    4. Reporting Category Not equal to TA

  3. Get school-level data totals by student group (Reporting Category) for all DASS schools
    1. Aggregate Level = S (School)
    2. Charter School (Y/N) = All
    3. DASS (Y/N) = Y
    4. Reporting Category Not equal to TA

  4. Get district-level data totals by student group (Reporting Category) for non-charter schools
    1. Aggregate Level = D (District)
    2. Charter School (Y/N) = N
    3. DASS (Y/N) = All
    4. Reporting Category Not equal to TA

  5. Get statewide-level data totals for charter schools that are DASS schools
    1. Aggregate Level = T (State)
    2. Charter School (Y/N) = Y
    3. DASS (Y/N) = Y
    4. Reporting Category = TA
Questions: Data Reporting Office | | 916-327-0219 
Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 11, 2024
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