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File Structure: Transitional Kindergarten Data

File structure for the downloadable data files for school-level Transitional Kindergarten participation data disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and student group.

Note: Pursuant to Education Code Section 60900(a)(4)(A), beginning in 2023–24, the CDE began collecting TK as a separate grade in CALPADS, rather than as a program participation record which has now been retired. Moving forward, information about TK students is available in the Census Day Enrollment Data file.

File Name: TKDATAyy.txt

Files include state, county, district, and school level data.

Field Name Type Field Width Description
Year Character 7 Academic year
CDS Code Character 14 This 14-digit code is the official, unique identification of a school within California. The first two digits identify the county, the next five digits identify the school district, and the last seven digits identify the school.
Name Character 50 School, District, or County name
Reporting Level Character 10 Level of aggregation – State, County, District or School
Subgroup Character 3 Subgroup designation. This field is coded as follows:
  • ALL = Total for all subgroups
  • EL = English learners
  • MIG = Migrant
  • SD = Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
Race Character 3 Racial/ethnic designation. This field is coded as follows:
  • ALL = Total for all races.
  • Code 0 = Not reported
  • Code 1 = American Indian or Alaska Native, Not Hispanic
  • Code 2 = Asian, Not Hispanic
  • Code 3 = Pacific Islander, Not Hispanic
  • Code 4 = Filipino, Not Hispanic
  • Code 5 = Hispanic or Latino
  • Code 6 = African American, not Hispanic
  • Code 7 = White, not Hispanic
  • Code 9 = Two or More Races, Not Hispanic
Gender Character 3 Gender. This field is a coded as follows:
  • ALL = Total of all genders
  • M = Male
  • F = Female
  • X = Nonbinary (Beginning in 2019–20)
Total Kindergarten Enrollment (Census Day) Numeric 7 The official number of students enrolled in kindergarten on Census Day, the first Wednesday in October, as reported through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
Kindergarten TK Program Participation (Census Day) Numeric 7 The total number of students enrolled in kindergarten who were participating in the Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program on Census Day.
Kindergarten TK Program Participation (Cumulative) Numeric 7 The total number of students enrolled in kindergarten who participated in the Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program at any point during the academic year.
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 25, 2024
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