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Staff and Course Enrollment Data

Reports and data of about certificated staff (e.g., staff demographics and assignments) and classified staff full-time equivalency (FTE) employed on Census Day, and course and class enrollment information.

Data Reports

Staff Data

  • Certificated Staff by Race/Ethnicity
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of certificated staff employed on Census Day disaggregated by race/ethnicity. The report includes filters to disaggregate the data by certificated staff type (i.e., administrators, pupil services staff, and teachers) and gender.

  • Certificated Staff by Education
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of certificated staff employed on Census Day disaggregated by level of education. The report includes filters to disaggregate the data by certificated staff type (i.e., administrators, pupil services staff, and teachers) and gender.

  • Certificated Staff by Experience
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of certificated staff employed on Census Day disaggregated by years of average years of experience and years of experience in the current district of employment. The report includes filters to disaggregate the data by certificated staff type (i.e., administrators, pupil services staff, and teachers) and gender.

  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) of Classified Staff with Detail Info
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of full-time equivalent of classified staff members employed on Census Day disaggregated by staff type, gender, and race/ethnicity.

  • Estimated Number of Teacher Hires by Subject
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of full-time equivalent teaching and specialist positions that are projected or estimated to be hired to fill new or vacated positions in the next academic year.

  • Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes
    The latest statewide DataQuest report about teaching assignment monitoring outcomes disaggregated by subject area, school type, school grade span, teacher credential level, and teacher experience level. Data are reported in full-time equivalency (FTE) units.

Course & Class Data

  • Number of Classes by Subject
    The latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of classes offered on Census Day by subject disaggregated by county.

  • Enrollment in Courses Taught by Subject
    Report menu with selection options and filters available to generate the latest statewide DataQuest report of the number of courses offered on Census Day by subject and course enrollment disaggregated by state course code and name, number of schools offering the course, course enrollment by gender, and teacher full-time equivalencies assigned per course.

  • Average Class Size by Subject
    Report menu with selection options and filters available to generate the latest statewide DataQuest report of the average class size for classes offered on Census Day by subject and class enrollment disaggregated by state course code and name, number of schools offering the class, class enrollment by gender and grade level, and average class size.

Downloadable Data Files


  • College/Career Indicator
    The College/Career indicator, reported on the California School Dashboard, applies to districts and schools with students in grades 9–12. 
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 28, 2024