Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) Coordinators:
California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) Fall 2024 Coordinator Contact Updates
In preparation of the 2024-25 California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) data collection, which is an annual data collection administered in October that collects basic data about schools and districts, as well as some aggregate data on students and staff, the California Department of Education (CDE) is soliciting updates to local educational agency’s (LEA’s) CBEDS coordinator’s contact information. This letter provides a brief description of the CBEDS coordinator’s responsibilities and requests LEAs to review their designated CBEDS coordinator’s contact information and ensure that the information is up-to-date, or to designate a new coordinator, if necessary. This letter is also to inform LEAs that there will be no changes to the 2024-25 CBEDS data collection.
CBEDS Coordinator Responsibilities
Each LEA is asked to designate a CBEDS Coordinator, who will be the CDE’s point of contact for any questions about the LEA’s CBEDS data. It is the CBEDS Coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that their LEA is prepared to meet the CBEDS data reporting requirements. It is also the Coordinator’s responsibility to hold necessary CBEDS training for LEA staff and to ensure a complete, accurate, and timely CBEDS data submission.
Charter schools who have elected to report their data independently of their authorizer will be responsible for submitting their CBEDS data directly to the CDE.
CBEDS Coordinator Contact Information
The CDE currently has the following contact information on file for your LEA CBEDS Coordinator. It is important to keep this information current, as it will be used to disseminate notifications and updates related to the CBEDS data collection. Please review and update the following information at your earliest convenience.
LEA Name:
CBEDS Coordinator:
To update CBEDS coordinator contact information:
- Go to the CDE CBEDS-Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA) website at: http://www3.cde.ca.gov/opuscbeds/login.aspx.
- Enter your username and password and select the “Logon” button. If you have forgotten your logon information, you may use the Retrieve Username/Password feature on the CBEDS-ORA logon page. If you submit data for multiple LEAs, the Retrieve Username/Password feature will send logon information for each LEA that is associated with your email address.
- Select the “Update User Information” option from the Main Menu.
- Make the appropriate updates and submit the information.
Changes and Resources
No changes are being made to the data elements collected in CBEDS for the 2024-25 school year. Materials and resources for the upcoming collection will be available in August from the CDE CBEDS web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/dc/cb/.
We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to working with your LEA as you prepare for the 2024-25 CBEDS data collection. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please contact the CBEDS/CDS Support Office by email at cbeds@cde.ca.gov.
Liberty Van Natten, Director
Educational Data Management Division
County Superintendents
District Superintendents
Select Charter School Administrators