Special Instructions for Excel and Access Users
Instructions on how to download and use student, school, and staff data files in excel and access.Instructions for opening a text file in Access
- Save file as TXT type (with Western European (Windows) encoding if applicable).
- Open Access.
- Click on the File menu and select the option to Open.
- Change the files of type to text.
- Navigate to where you saved the file and select the file and click on the Open button.
- When the Link Text Wizard window opens, do the following:
a. Choose the Delimited option and click Next.
b. Select Tab delimiter type.
c. Check the box indicating the First row contains field names, then click on Next.
d. Set field options per corresponding file structure (available online where you downloaded the file) and click Next.
e. Name the table and click Finish.
Instructions on how to create an Access database and import a DBF file
Below are basic instructions for opening a DBF file in Access. For more detailed instructions, view Instructions for Using Access to Open a Database File (DOC; 1MB).
- Right click on pubschls.dbf link and select "Save target as." When the "SAVE AS" Window appears, fill in the three boxes as directed below:
Save in: Desktop or directory of choice
File Name: pubschls.dbf
Save as Type: All
- Close the "Download Complete" Window after the file is finished downloading.
- Open Access: Click on the Start button, select Programs, Microsoft Office, then click on Microsoft Access.
- Once in Access, select File, New.
- Select blank database. The "File New Database" window will appear.
- Select Desktop (or directory where you saved the .dbf file) in the "Save in" box at the top of the window.
- Type Public Schools (or whatever name you want) in the "File name" box at the bottom of the window and select Create.
- Select File, Get External Data, Import.
- Select Desktop in the "Look in" box at the top of the Import window and in the "Files of Type" box, select dbase IV (*.dbf).
- Select pubschls.dbf and click on Import.
- You should see the Microsoft Office Access message, "Successfully Imported pubschls."
- Select OK, and then Close the Import Window.
- In the Access Window, double click on the pubschls table to open the pubschls.dbf.
Instructions on how to open a DBF file in Excel
Below are basic instructions for opening a DBF file in Excel. For more detailed instructions, view Instructions for Opening a Database File in Excel (DOC; 1MB).
- Right click on pubschls.dbf link and select "Save target as." When the "SAVE AS" Window appears, fill in the three boxes as directed below:
Save in: Desktop or directory of choice
File Name: pubschls.dbf
Save as Type: All
- Close the "Download Complete" Window after the file is finished downloading.
- Open Excel.
- Select File, Open.
- In the "Look In" drop down box, select the desktop or directory in which you saved the file and in the Files of Type drop down box, select: All Files (*.*).
- Double click on the file name.
- The .dbf file will now open in Excel.
Questions: Data Reporting Office | dro@cde.ca.gov | 916-327-0219
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 16, 2024
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