Each year, local educational agencies (LEAs) submit information to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) on student outcomes such as graduation, discipline, absenteeism, demographic information for students and staff, and annual student enrollment. These data are used to produce reports on DataQuest
and downloadable data files.
To assist data users with their planning, this web page covers the schedule of reports to be released this year.
Upcoming Data Releases
The following reports and supporting downloadable files are scheduled to be released later this year and in 2025:
Early 2025:
- Certificated Staff Counts by Race/Ethnicity (2019–20 through 2023–24)
- Certificated Staff Experience Summary (2019–20 through 2023–24)
- Certificated Staff Education Summary (2019–20 through 2023–24)
- Student/Certificated Staff Ratios (2019–20 through 2023–24)
Spring 2025:
- 2024–25 Annual Enrollment
- 2024–25 English Learner (EL)
- 2024–25 Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) and "Ever-EL"
- 2024–25 Special Education Enrollment by Program Setting
- 2024–25 Free and Reduced-Price Meal
- 2024–25 Classified Staff
- 2025–26 Estimated Teacher Hire
Summer 2025:
- 2023–24 Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes
- Average Class Size (2019–20 through 2023–24)
Note: This information was last updated in November 2024.
Released Reports
To date, the CDE has released the following data for 2024:
- Annual Enrollment Reports
- English Learner Reports
- Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) and "Ever-EL" Reports
- Free and Reduced-Price Meal Reports
- Classified Staff Reports
- Estimated Teacher Hire Reports
- College-Going Rate Reports
- Special Education by Program Setting (Least Restrictive Environment)
- Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcome Reports
- Four-Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) and Outcome Reports
- Five-Year Cohort Graduation Rates and Outcome Reports
- Discipline Data (Suspension/Expulsion) Reports
- Stability Rate Reports
- Absenteeism Reports
- Cumulative Enrollment
- Restraint and Seclusion
- Homeless Student Enrollment by Dwelling Type
Future Releases
Moving forward, the CDE is actively working on the release of course enrollment data that will contain multiple years of data.
In addition, the CDE also anticipates the release of the Annual Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Counts and Rates Report that will also include multiple years of data.
Updates and Listserv
To receive updates on the reports published on DataQuest, subscribe to the DataQuest listserv by submitting a blank email to: subscribe-dataquest@mlist.cde.ca.gov. These updates are also available on the CDE DataQuest Update web page.