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SOARS System Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to the Student Online Accountability Record Status (SOARS) System.

The Student Online Accountability Record Status (SOARS) system is an online portal that allows the California Department of Education (CDE) to share student-level accountability data with authorized users at local educational agencies (LEAs) and charter schools.

Note: Access to the SOARS system is limited to authorized LEAs and charter schools. Education researchers must pursue the formal Data Request Process to request student-level data files.

What is SOARS System?

The SOARS system is an online portal that allows the CDE to securely share student-level accountability data with authorized users at LEAs and charter schools.

Which entities have access to the SOARS system?

Access to the SOARS system is limited to authorized users (i.e., Accountability, Dashboard, and CALPADS coordinators) at LEAs and charter schools. Non-charter schools should contact their LEA for the data related to their school at the LEA's discretion.

What data is available in the SOARS system?

The CDE populates SOARS data on an as-needed basis and makes this data available for a limited amount of time. The download expiration date can be found in the download section after the user logs in for access.

The system is currently used to provide student-level data on:

  • The College/Career Indicator (CCI), which is one of the state indicators reported on the California School Dashboard. The data specifies which students are included in the various CCI measures, and
  • English learners who are determined to be long-term English Learners (LTELs) or students “at-risk” of becoming LTELs.

Because the data provided in the SOARS system may contain sensitive student-level information, LEAs and charter schools can only access data related to their district/school.

Why doesn't my LEA/charter school have a SOARS report?

You may not have a SOARS report for the CCI if your LEA/charter school does not have students enrolled in grade twelve. You also may not have a SOARS report for long-term English Learners (LTELs) or students “at-risk” of becoming LTELs if your LEA/charter school does not have these designated students.

Will there be more data available in the future?

The CDE will continue to explore the possibility of providing more student-level data.

I work at a LEA/charter school, how can I gain access to the SOARS system?

In order to keep the information secure and confidential, access instructions are sent to Coordinators. Please check with your Accountability and Dashboard Coordinators for the communication email regarding Dashboard data, and your CALPADS Coordinator for the email regarding long-term English Learners (LTELs) or students “at-risk” of becoming LTEL data. If your LEA/charter school does not have an Accountability Coordinator, please contact on how to sign-up.

I am a researcher; how do I gain access to this information?

Because data in the SOARS system may contain personally identifiable information (PII), all qualified researchers must submit a formal request to receive access to the data. For additional information please visit the Data Request web page.

I noticed that the Smarter Balanced Assessments results were not included in the CCI data. Will this data be included for future cohorts and releases?

Yes, For the 2021 and 2022 releases. Assessment data were not included due to either the suspension of testing in 2020 or limited test results in 2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Smarter Balanced Assessments results will be reflected in future releases..

Would it be possible to add a field for the student’s overall College/Career Indicator (CCI) preparedness level (i.e., prepared, approaching, or not prepared)?

We hope to provide this information with future SOARS releases

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024