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AAV of Employee Classification Examples

Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of Employee Classification Examples.

This page is the Accessible Alternative Version (AAV) of the Employee Classification Examples. The scanned Employee Classification Examples (PDF) version is considered to be the official version of the document.

The hypothetical position descriptions included in this supplement were created to illustrate provisions of law that are commonly misinterpreted or that are the topic of frequent questions. Classification of similarly titled positions in your district will vary according to actual duties being performed by each individual employee. The general principles identified in these examples will, however, be helpful in the classification process of all employees. Therefore, it is suggested that the district staff review all the examples.

Teacher in Regular Education & Adult Evening Program

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher + Hourly
Credential: Teacher
Duties: Full-time regular education teacher in addition to 300 hours of adult education instruction.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.33 FTE Teacher

Rationale for above classification:

  • The employee provides direct instruction to pupils.
  • Additional service in adult education may be counted in addition to the employee's regular full-time assignment.

The FTE for adult education was determined by dividing the hours worked by the total hour's equivalent to a full-time adult education teacher (900 in this example).

Teaching Principal

Bargaining Unit: Management
Salary Schedule: Teacher with Stipend
Credential: Administrative and Teaching
Duties: Act as site administrator in addition to teaching full-time.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.00 FTE Teacher

Rationale for above classification:
No individual may be counted as more than one full-time equivalent unless the individual is employed on a part-time basis in adult education, driver education, or any additional or part-time teaching assignment, in addition to his or her regular full-time assignment.

Speech Therapist

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher
Credential: Teacher/Health Services
Duties: Serves individual children on a pullout basis.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.00 FTE Teacher

Rationale for above classification:
The employee provides direct instruction to pupils.

Mentor Teacher

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher
Credential: Teacher
Duties: Teacher released to perform in-service instruction for two periods (does not receive state mentor teacher funding).

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.00 FTE Teacher

Rationale for above classification:
The time a teacher spends in an instructional preparation activity such as mentor teaching may be classified as teaching on Form R-2.

Staff Development Coordinator

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher with Stipend
Credential: Teacher and Administrative
Duties: Conducts in-service training full-time for district.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.00 FTE Administrator

Rationale for above classification:
The employee provides no direct instruction to pupils. The staff development time cannot, therefore, be considered as instructional preparation time performed by a teacher.

Resource Specialist

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher
Credential: Teacher Credential
Duties: 45 percent Conduct student evaluations (e.g., test students).

  • 25 percent Develop curriculum.
  • 25 percent Provide in-service for teachers.
  • 5 percent Demonstration teaching.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • .55 FTE Teacher
  • .45 FTE Pupil Services Employee

Rationale for above classification:

  • Pupil Services - When testing and evaluating students, a service is administered directly to the pupil. Services provided directly to a student qualify the employee for the pupil services classification. A proration of an employee's FTE into this category is appropriate even though the employee does not possess a services credential. An appropriate services credential is needed only if 100 percent of the employee's FTE is categorized as pupil services. The district must maintain adequate documentation to substantiate the proration (please see instructions for details).
  • Teaching - Demonstration teaching involves the direct instruction of pupils and, therefore, qualifies the employee for the teaching classification. In-service and curriculum development performed by a teacher will be considered as instructional preparation and, therefore, as teaching.
Department Chairperson

Bargaining Unit: Teacher
Salary Schedule: Teacher
Credential: Teacher
Duties: Teacher, four periods out of a six-period day. Provided one period of release time in addition to the regular prep period.

Given the above duties, report this position as follows:

  • 1.00 FTE Teacher

Rationale for above classification:
The employee directly instructs students. A teacher's instructional preparation time, such as department chairing, may be included within the teacher classification.

Questions:   Fiscal Oversight & Support | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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