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Instructions for reporting federal cash management data.

Federal Cash Management Instructions - ESSA Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D, Subpart 2; Title II, Part A; Title III EL; Title III Immigrant; and Title IV, Part A

General Reporting Requirements and Responsibility

School districts, county offices of education and direct funded charter schools (local educational agencies (LEAs)) receiving formula based allocations under the Title I, Part A; Title I, Part D, Subpart 2; Title II, Part A; Title III English Learners (EL); Title III Immigrant; and Title IV, Part A programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), must report the cash balance for each of these programs on a quarterly basis to the California Department of Education (CDE) in order to receive their apportionments for those programs. The LEAs report the data through the Web-based Federal Cash Management Data Collection (CMDC) system. Only one CMDC report will be submitted for a quarter; the CMDC report will have a separate line on which to report the cash balance for each of the programs. The program(s) and line(s) shown for a particular LEA’s CMDC will correspond to the program(s) for which that LEA is receiving funding.

The CDE will use the reported cash balance to determine the apportionment to release in each reporting period. The apportionment will be equal to 25 percent of the LEA’s annual program entitlement minus the cash balance it reported for that period. Calculations will be done for each of the programs. Apportionment for a particular fiscal year grant award will be paid after the entitlements for any prior year grant award(s) have been fully paid, unless the authority to obligate those funds has expired.

Please note that the data submitted under the CMDC system does not affect how program entitlements are calculated, only how much of the LEA’s entitlement will be paid each quarter.

LEAs must submit cash management data each reporting period to be eligible to receive funds in that period. The data must be submitted by midnight on the reporting deadline. No late submissions will be accepted. If the cash balance is zero, a CMDC report must still be submitted in order to receive an apportionment.

LEAs may logon to the CMDC system at any time within the reporting window for each period to submit cash management data. Changes may be made to submitted data up to the reporting deadline. Please refer to the Reporting Schedule for reporting windows and deadlines.

The cash balance(s) reported on the latest submitted CMDC report will be used to determine the apportionment for that period. Thus, if an LEA that has previously submitted cash balance figures for the programs has to revise one of them, the revised CMDC report to be resubmitted must report both the (two) unrevised cash balances as well as the revised one.

New Direct Funded Charter Schools

An exception to requiring the CMDC report as a condition of receiving an apportionment applies to a new direct funded charter school in its first year of operation, where there may be no cash balance data to report. The CDE will release 25 percent of the Title I, Part A, Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, Title II, Part A, Title III EL, Title III Immigrant, and Title IV, part A allocations for the reporting period when the new school is first eligible for funds, without requiring a CMDC report. The school, however, may still wish to submit cash management data during the applicable collection period if it has expended any cash on these programs before receiving funds from the CDE. The school has to submit cash management data in subsequent reporting periods to receive additional release(s) of funding.

Closed Direct Funded Charter Schools

Cash management data has to be reported for direct-funded charter schools that have closed but have not drawn down all funds, in order for them to receive additional release(s) of funding. Please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by email at to request these funds.

District Reorganizations

For current year district reorganizations, the new district should report consolidated cash balance data for the lapsed district(s) if the lapsed district(s) have not drawn down all prior year funds.

Special Data Collections

In addition to the Title I, Part A, Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, Title II, Part A, Title III EL, Title III Immigrant, and Title IV, Part A programs, on certain occasions the CDE may utilize the CMDC system for special data collections on federal programs. If a special collection is necessary, the CDE will notify your LEA separately of specific deadlines and instructions.

Logon Page (Select Logon)

To log on to the CMDC system, first select on this page the type of reporting entity.

District Logon: Select this option to report cash management data for school districts, county offices of education, statewide benefit charter schools (parent) and all-charter districts.

Direct Funded Charter School Logon: Select this option to report cash management data for direct funded charter schools.

Logon Screen

After selecting the type of entity in the Logon Page, select the following from the drop-down list on the Logon Screen:

County: Using the drop down menu, select your county.

District: Using the drop down menu, select your district, county office of education, statewide benefit charter school, or all charter district. For direct funded charter schools, select the sponsoring or authorizing entity.

School: Using the drop down menu, select your charter school (only required for direct funded charter school logon).

PIN: Enter the PIN number that is assigned to your agency.

An electronic personal identification number (PIN) is required to access the CMDC system. The CDE e-mailed the PIN to county and district superintendents and charter school administrators that are listed on the CDE’s California School Directory. If you do not have the assigned PIN, click the “Request PIN” link on the Logon Screen page and then enter the requested information on the resulting page, and the PIN will be resent to the superintendent or administrator e-mail address on file. If you have not updated your superintendent’s or administrator’s information on the CDE’s California School Directory, please contact your County District School (CDS) Coordinator. All updates must be routed through the district or county CDS Coordinator listed in the bottom box on your school information page in the California School Directory.

If a county office of education needs a PIN to report cash management data for a direct funded charter school that have closed, please send an e-mail request to

Cash Management Data Collection Report

Enter in the Cash Management Report the following information.

Contact Information: The authorized user is the county or district superintendent or charter school administrator to whom the PIN is provided. The authorized user information is pre-populated with the name of the current superintendent or administrator on file as reflected on the California School Directory. The authorized user can delegate cash management reporting functions to another person as he/she deems appropriate.

The contact person is the person completing the online data submission. The contact person may be an authorized user or a person delegated to submit this data. If your agency has submitted cash management data in the past, the information will be pre-populated with information from the last submission; report in the CMDC any changes in the contact information.

Contact Person Submitting Data:

First Name: Provide the first name of the person completing the data submission.

Last Name: Provide the last name of the person completing the data submission.

Title: Provide the title of the person submitting the data.

Address: Provide the mailing address for the person completing the data submission.

Telephone: Provide the phone number for the person completing the data submission

E-mail: Provide the e-mail address of the person completing the data submission.

Data Collection

Provide the information requested in each field as follows.

Cash Balance: Enter the total balance in your agency’s cash account(s) for each of Title I, Part A (SACS Resource Code 3010), Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 (SACS Resource Code 3025), Title II, Part A grants (SACS Resource Code 4035), Title III EL (SACS Resource Code 4203), Title III Immigrant (SACS Resource Code 4201), and/or Title IV, Part A (SACS Resource Code 4127). Cash balance includes the cumulative total of all funds held for these programs by your agency as of the date you are completing this form, regardless of the fiscal years for which the funds were awarded. A deficit cash balance (i.e., your agency has expended cash for the program in excess of the amounts received from the CDE) should be reported as a negative amount.

One line is shown on the report for each program for which your agency is receiving funding. If this reporting window includes a special data collection, the CMDC report will show separate data field(s) for that purpose. Provide the total balance in your agency's cash account(s) for each specified federal program in the data field(s).

While you can submit data at any time during the reporting window, it will be to your agency’s advantage to submit data as close as possible to the reporting deadline; cash balances may be lower by that date, and reporting the lower balance will maximize the amount of funds your agency may receive in the next apportionment.

Data Submission

You must check the box at the bottom of the Data Collection page and click the “Submit” button in order to successfully submit data to the CDE. A data submission report will appear on your screen displaying the submitted data, the person who submitted the data, and the date and time of the submission. You will be able to print or save a PDF copy of the data submitted for your records.

Once you have successfully submitted CMDC data, you should receive a prompt the next time you logon showing the date and time of your last submission.

To make any revisions after this point, follow the same process outlined above before the reporting deadline. The CDE will use the latest set of submitted data as basis for the apportionments for that period. Submitting a revised report within the reporting window will supersede all data previously submitted.
Questions:   Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
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