2010–11 Advance Apportionment Letter

Official Letter
Official Letter
July 16, 2010
Dear County Superintendents of Schools, Auditors, Treasurers, and Special Education Local Plan Area Directors:
Towards the end of July, select county treasurers will receive a warrant that reflects state aid for programs included in the 2010–11 Advance Apportionment for elementary, high, and unified school districts; charter schools; and county offices of education. As provided in California Education Code Section 41330, the 2010–11 Advance Apportionment is based on the 2009–10 Second Principal Apportionment state aid. Adjustments, such as a cost-of-living adjustment and estimated 2010–11 statewide growth rates authorized in current statute were then applied to the state aid. Enclosed is a summary of the method by which the 2010–11 Advance Apportionment was calculated.
Please note that this Advance Apportionment does not take into account any proposed statutory measures to apply deficit factors, revenue limit base reductions, or to change the statutory cost-of-living adjustment. A recertification of the Advance Apportionment will be made upon enactment of legislation, and at that time the monthly payments will be adjusted accordingly.
As you may be aware, pursuant to Government Code sections 16325.5 and 16326 the Director of the Department of Finance, the State Treasurer, and the State Controller have submitted a plan to defer up to $2.5 billion in July warrants for as many as 60 days and up to $2.5 billion in October warrants for as many as 90 days. As such, the entire Advance Apportionment payments for July and October are subject to deferral except for local educational agencies that applied for and received exemptions from the Department of Finance.
A copy of this letter and the applicable apportionment exhibits are available on the California Department of Education Principal Apportionment Web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/pa1011.asp. County superintendents should advise districts and charter schools of this apportionment as soon as possible by providing them a copy of this letter.
If you have any further questions regarding this apportionment, or need assistance, please contact the Office of Principal Apportionment and Special Education, at 916-324-4541.
Peter Foggiato, Administrator
Office of Principal Apportionment and Special Education