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Proposition 39 - California Clean Energy Jobs Act

NOTE: The application due date for this program has passed.

Funding Description

Proposition 39 provides funding to local educational agencies for improving energy efficiency and creating clean energy jobs.


Eligible Applicants Local educational agencies
Required Eligibility Criteria Not applicable
Other Eligibility Considerations Not applicable
Eligible Grade Level(s) K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible Age Level(s) Not applicable


Legal Authority Public Resources Code Section 26200-26240; Senate Bill 73 (Chapter 27, Statutes of 2013); Senate Bill 97 (Chapter 357, Statutes of 2013); Budget Act Item 6100-139-8080.
Source / Type State / Apportionment
State Fiscal Year 2017-18
SACS Resource / Revenue Codes 6230 / 8590
Total Available $376,200,000
Recipient Amount See allocation formula
Match Requirement No
Allocation Formula 85 percent of state total available based on the average daily attendance (ADA) reported as of P-2 for the prior year and 15 percent based on the students eligible for free and reduced-price meals in the prior year. For ADA 100 or less - $15,000; greater than 100, but 1,000 or less – greater of proportional award based on ADA or $50,000; greater than 1,000 but less than 2,000 – greater of proportional award based on ADA or $100,000; 2,000 or greater – proportional award based on ADA.

Important Dates

Date Application Available October 2, 2017
Due Date October 31, 2017
Expected Notification Date Unavailable

Additional Information

Application Unavailable
Background Proposition 39 California Clean Energy Jobs Act []
Fiscal Proposition 39 California Clean Energy Jobs Act []
Funding ResultsRes-17: Prop 39 CCEJA []
Other Receipt of funds is dependent on submission and approval of an expenditure plan by the California Energy Commission. The CDE shall recover funds not used in accordance with state statutes or regulations. This program is included in the annual independent audit. LEAs can request planning funds from their first year award allocations.


Program California Energy Commission, 855-380-8722,
Fiscal Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office,
Division School Fiscal Services Division, 916-327-0538 (phone), 916-327-6157 (fax)
Last Modified: March 3, 2021
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