Funding Results
Comprehensive Support and Improvement LEA, Fiscal Year 2018–19
Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.
Section 1003 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides resources and assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve student outcomes in schools that meet the criteria for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). School planning and LEA support and assistance for each school receiving comprehensive support is incorporated into the Local Control and Accountability Plan and the School Plan for Student Achievement.
Program Questions: School Improvement and Support Office, email:, phone: 916-319-0833
Fiscal Questions: Kathy Sumida, email:, phone: 916-319-0237
Schedule of the 2018–19 Allocations (XLSX; Revised 11-Oct-2019)
Final Apportionment
Letter of the Final Apportionment (Dated 15-Nov-2021)
Schedule of the Final Apportionment (XLSX)
Ninth Apportionment
Letter of the Ninth Apportionment (Dated 13-Oct-2021)
Schedule of Ninth Apportionment (XLSX)
Eighth Apportionment
Letter of the Eighth Apportionment (Dated 19-Apr-2021)
Schedule of Eighth Apportionment (XLSX)
Seventh Apportionment
Letter of the Seventh Apportionment (Dated 20-Jan-2021)
Schedule of Seventh Apportionment (XLSX)
Sixth Apportionment
Letter of the Sixth Apportionment (Dated 21-Sep-2020)
Schedule of Sixth Apportionment (XLSX)
Fifth Apportionment
Letter of the Fifth Apportionment (Dated 11-Jun-2020)
Schedule of Fifth Apportionment (XLSX)
Fourth Apportionment
Letter of the Fourth Apportionment (Dated 11-May-2020)
Schedule of Fourth Apportionment (XLSX)
Third Apportionment
Letter of the Third Apportionment (Dated 13-Feb-2020)
Schedule of Third Apportionment (XLSX)
Second Apportionment
Letter of the Second Apportionment (Dated 18-Sept-2019)
Schedule of Second Apportionment (XLSX)
First Apportionment
Letter of the First Apportionment (Dated 18-Mar-2019) (Revised 08-Apr-2019)
Schedule of First Apportionment (XLSX)
More about Comprehensive Support and Improvement LEA, Fiscal Year 2018–19