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Funding Results

ESSER III (ARP Act Section 2001)

Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding allocations, apportionments, and letters detailing funding information for fiscal year 2020–21.

Program Questions: CDE Federal Stimulus Team, email:

Fiscal Questions: Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office, email:

Apportionment Overview

ESSER III, 2020–21 Overview
Information about the program, allocation and apportionments, grant award identification, applicable federal rules and regulations, and the grant award period.


Letter of the ESSER III Allocations (Dated 24-May-2021)
Schedule of the ESSER III Allocations (XLSX; Updated Dec-2024)

In order to receive an allocation, Local Education Agencies must have submitted the ESSER III Legal Assurances by December 17, 2021 and met the requirements shown in the ESSER III Formula Allocations section of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Funding page.


Fifteenth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Fifteenth Apportionment (Dated 27-Nov-2024)
Schedule of the ESSER III Fifteenth Apportionment (XLSX)

Fourteenth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Fourteenth Apportionment (Dated 23-Aug-2024)
Schedule of the ESSER III Fourteenth Apportionment (XLSX)

Thirteenth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Thirteenth Apportionment (Dated 17-May-2024)
Schedule of the ESSER III Thirteenth Apportionment (XLSX)

Twelfth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Twelfth Apportionment (Dated 07-Mar-2024)
Schedule of the ESSER III Twelfth Apportionment (XLSX)

Eleventh Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Eleventh Apportionment (Dated 18-Jan-2024)
Schedule of the ESSER III Eleventh Apportionment (XLSX)

Tenth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Tenth Apportionment (Dated 31-Aug-2023)
Schedule of the ESSER III Tenth Apportionment (XLSX)

Ninth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Ninth Apportionment (Dated 01-Jun-2023)
Schedule of the ESSER III Ninth Apportionment (XLSX)

Eighth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Eighth Apportionment (Dated 02-Mar-2023)
Schedule of the ESSER III Eighth Apportionment (XLSX)

Seventh Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Seventh Apportionment (Dated 06-Jan-2023)
Schedule of the ESSER III Seventh Apportionment (XLSX)

Sixth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Sixth Apportionment (Dated 30-Sep-2022)
Schedule of the ESSER III Sixth Apportionment (XLSX)

Fifth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Fifth Apportionment (Dated 02-Aug-2022)
Schedule of the ESSER III Fifth Apportionment (XLSX)

Fourth Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Fourth Apportionment (Dated 28-Mar-2022)
Schedule of the ESSER III Fourth Apportionment (XLSX)

Third Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Third Apportionment (Dated 10-Dec-2021)
Schedule of the ESSER III Third Apportionment (XLSX)

Second Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III Second Apportionment (Dated 06-Sep-2021)
Schedule of the ESSER III Second Apportionment (XLSX)

First Apportionment

Letter of the ESSER III First Apportionment (Dated 18-Aug-2021)
Schedule of the ESSER III First Apportionment (XLSX)

Last Reviewed: Thursday, November 14, 2024
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