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Ltr1-13: June Hardship Apportionment

California Department of Education
Official Letter
California Department of Education
Official Letter

June 6, 2014

Dear Select County Superintendents of Schools, Auditors, and Treasurers:


This special apportionment, in the amount of $42,859,938, is made in accordance with California Education Code (EC) Section 14041.7. The purpose of this special apportionment is to provide state aid to each local educational agency (LEA) that received an exemption from the June to July Principal Apportionment deferral pursuant to EC Section 14041.7.

EC Section 14041.7 allows an LEA to be granted an exemption by the Department of Finance. LEAs that are approved for an exemption may receive a payment in June of no more than the lesser of: (1) the total amount of additional funds necessary for the LEA to meet its expenditure obligations for the month of June, or (2) the total June principal apportionment payment the LEA is entitled to in July (this amount is 20 percent of the balance due calculated as of the First Principal Apportionment).

Each LEA’s P-2 Principal Apportionment Summary total will reflect updated entitlement amounts for the fiscal year. The amount of funds provided in this apportionment will be shown on the summary as a reduction in the column for Adjustments and Prior Year Recomputations. An LEA’s P-2 payment will be equal to its P-2 Principal Apportionment Summary total less the amount of funds paid to date.

Warrants will be mailed to each county treasurer approximately two weeks from the date of this Notice.  For standardized account code structure (SACS) coding, use Resource Code 0000, Unrestricted, and Revenue Object Code 8011, Local Control Funding Formula State Aid – Current Year, for school districts and charter schools. If you have any questions regarding this apportionment, please contact Julie Klein Briggs, Fiscal Consultant, Categorical Allocations and Management Assistance Office, by phone at 916-323-6191 or by e-mail at [Note: The preceding contact, phone, and email information is no longer valid. Please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office at].



Jeannie Oropeza, Deputy Superintendent
Services for Administration, Finance, Technology, and Infrastructure Branch

Last Reviewed: Monday, December 9, 2024
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