Funding Results
A-G Completion Improvement Grant Program Fiscal Year 2021-22
Note: Recipients and funding amounts are subject to budget and administrative adjustments.
A–G Completion Improvement Grant Program funding allocations, apportionments, and letters detailing funding information for fiscal year 2021–22.
Program Questions: A-GCIGP Team, email:
Fiscal Questions: A-GCIGP Team, email:
A–G Completion Improvement Grant Program Allocation Schedule (XLSX; Jul-2022)
Second Apportionment
Letter of the Second Apportionment (Dated 18-Jul-2022)
Schedule of the Second Apportionment (XLSX)
First Apportionment
Letter of the First Apportionment (Dated 13-Apr-2022)
Schedule of the First Apportionment (XLSX)
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