![California Department of Education letterhead with the official seal of the Department. Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 1430 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901, 916-319-0800, www.cde.ca.gov](/images/cdeLetterheadTThurmond.png)
Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Select County and District Superintendents:
Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program
Revised Estimated State Match Funding for the
2020–21 School Year
The purpose of this letter is to notify participating local educational agencies (LEAs) of an update to the 2020–21 school year estimated total state match for the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program (CSESAP). The California Department of Education (CDE) published the original estimate in the letter dated April 30, 2020 available on CDE’s website at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/csesap19estltr1.asp, along with other relevant information about the program.
The updated estimated total state match is a result of additional funding being made available for the CSESAP for the 2020–21 school year. Section 106 of Senate Bill 98 (Chapter 24, Statutes of 2020) authorizes the unexpended balance of funds appropriated for CSESAP for the 2019–20 school year, to be used to supplement the funding available for the CSESAP for the 2020–21 school year. The original appropriation for the program has increased from $36,000,000 to $53,927,127.
Based on the original estimated data reported by LEAs in April 2020, and the revised amount of funding available, the estimated state match funding has increased from sixty-six cents ($0.66) to approximately ninety-nine cents ($0.99) for each one dollar ($1) that the classified employee elects to have withheld from their monthly paycheck for the 2020–21 school year. A copy of this letter and accompanying schedule of the estimated amount of state match funding for each participating LEA is available on the CSESAP FY 2019-20 Funding Results web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/csesap19result.asp.
LEAs that met the April 1, 2020 application requirement and complete the request for payment by July 31, 2021, will be included in the August 2021 apportionment. LEAs request payment by reporting actual withholdings for participating classified employees using a web-based request for payment form located on the CSESAP Request for Application web page at, https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/csesap20rfa.asp [Note: The preceding link is no longer valid.]. The CSESAP request for application will be available from mid-June through July 31, 2021.
The final state match amount will be based on the amounts requested by LEAs through July 31, 2021, and the final amount will not be known until August 2021. Therefore; LEAs should be aware that the amount apportioned by CDE may be different than the estimated amount provided in this letter.
For additional information on the CSESAP including funding, key dates, and frequently asked questions, refer to the CSESAP web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/ca/csesap.asp. For questions regarding this program, please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by email at CSESAP@cde.ca.gov.
Elizabeth Dearstyne, Director
School Fiscal Services Division